the visitors and governors of the jail of Baltimore county,
from the plaintiff or plaintiffs, at whose suit, such person shall
be so held in custody or so imprisoned, the sum of twenty
cents daily for every day that such prisoner shall be confined,
which shall be paid to the warden aforesaid, while such per-
son shall be confined in jail, to defray the cost of sufficient
food for the use of such imprisoned debtor, and for his main-
tenance, and if any plaintiff at whose suit any debtor shall be
CHAP, 214n
so imprisoned in the said jail, shall omit for three days after
notice to him or his agent or attorney, to pay the amount to
which the said warden shall be entitled, in virtue of this act
any justice of the peace for Baltimore city or county, on being
certified of such omission, under the hand of the said warden,
and that such person is not imprisoned for any other cause
than debt, may and shall, by an order signed by him, direct
Plaintiffs neglect-
ing to pay,
the said warden to release the said imprisoned debtor from
confinement, which order shall be obeyed by the warden, and
shall be a sufficient justification of him, for releasing such per-
son from prison.
Prisoner that be
released. ,
SEC, 3. And be it enacted. That the visitors and governors
of the jail of Baltimore county be, and they are hereby autho-
rised to regulate the diet of the prisoners and other persons
committed to said jail, procure necessary bedding for their
use, and to cause to be cultivated the grounds belonging ami
attached thereto, for the purpose of raising the necessary ve-
getables for the use of the persons confined as aforesaid.
Diet— bedding &c
—cultivation of tot
An act to authorise an investment on certain unsubscribed shares
in the Commercial and Farmers' Bank of Baltimore, and for
Other purposes.
Passed March 15,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
president and directors of the Commercial and Farmers Bank
of Baltimore be, and they are hereby authorised on or before
the first day of April next, to pay and invest upon two hundred
and eightysix reserved shares in the said Bank forthe use of the
state, the sum of nine thousand five hundred and thirty three
Directors author-
ised to pay to the
treasurer of W S:
certain sums
dollars, and thirty three and one third cents, and that upon the
said payment and investment, and algo upon the payment into
the treasury of the Western Shore of all or any balance of
the bonus reserved for the support of free schools, commonly
called the school fund, which may he due or in arrear from
She said bank in the opinion of the treasurer of the said
treasury, aad in that case the right of the state to appoint di-
rectors or any director of the said bank shall cease and be-
come void, at*d the same in that event is hereby declared to be
relinquished, and shall not be exercised after the completion
of the said payments, any act or resolution of the General
Assembly to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided^ That in
all elections of directors, or other meetings of the stock hold-
In case of pay-
ment the staers
right to appoint
directors ,abandon-
Sight of voting for
directors reserved