CHAP. 215
ers of the said bank, which may thereafter take place, the said
treasurer for the time being, shall be entitled in proper per-
son, or by proxy, to vote on behalf of the state and of the several
counties which shall at any such election or meeting own any
share of the capital stock of the said bank, so many votes as
individual stockholders might be entitled to vote on the same
number of shares: Provided also, That the present directors
on the part of the state in the said bank, shall continue to hold
their seats and act as such until the first day of January next.
Passed March; 18
An act to provide for the payment of the interest on loans for
the use of this state and for other purposes.
Treasurer directed
to appropriate cer
tain money to cur-
rent expenses
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land. That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed to appropriate to the current
expenses of the year eighteen hundred and twenty eight, all
the money which he may receive from the purchaser of the
right of the state to subscribe for one thousand shares of the
capital stock of the Union Bank of Maryland, instead of in-
vesting the same in the capital stock of the said bank, agreea-
bly to an act, entitled, an act to authorise a sale of a portion
of the unsubscribed shares of stock reserved to the state in
Acts repealed
the Union Bank of Maryland, and all such parts of said act
as are inconsistent with this act, be and the same are hereby
Directed also to
use the balane
appropriated tc
board of public
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said treasurer be, and he
hereby is authorised and directed to appropriate to the current
expenses of the year eighteen hundred and twenty eight, any
unexpended balance of an appropriation placed under the con-
trol of the board of pubblc works, by an act of Assembly,
entitled, An act to create a Board of Public Works, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and twenty five, and that
all such parts of said act as are inconsistent with this act, be,
and the same are hereby repealed.
To be applied to
payment of inter-
est, &c
SEC 3. And be it enacted, That so much of the foregoing ap-
propriations as may be necessary to provide for the payment
of interest now due, or which may hereafter become due
any loan heretofore negotiated, or which hereafter may be ne-
gotiated for the use of this state, be and the same are hereby
appropriated for the payment of such interest.
Pssed March 15,
A supplement to an act, entitled an act, to abolish the several
offices therein mentioned and for other purposes.
Act suspended
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryand, That
the operation of the act, t n tilled an act, to abolish the several