CHAP. 313
and with the consent of the said Charles H. W- Wharton and
Rebecca Wharton, to sell, dispose of and convey all and sin-
gular the estate and property conveyed to him by the afore-
said deed, on such terms as to him, the said trustee, may ap-
pear to most the advantage of the parties interested, and the
Invest proceeds.
proceeds of sueh sale invest in stocks or otherwise, under the
direction of the chancellor of this state, for the uses, intents
and purposes in the said deed mentioned, limited and ex-
Bond required.
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That before the trustee proceeds
to make sale of the property hereinbefore mentioned, he shall
give bond to the state of Maryland in the penalty of twenty-
thousand dollars, with security, to be approved by the chan-
cellor, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties
as trustee; which said bond shall he filed and recorded in the
office of the register in chancery, and a copv thereof, under
the seal of the court, shall be as good evidence in all the
courts of law and equity in this state as the original might or
would be.
Passed March 15,
An act to regulate certain powers, duties and compensation of
the Sheriffs of Baltimore County, and for other purposes.
Sheriff authorised
to deliver to war-
den—persons ar-
rested and not com
SECTION 1. Be it enacted In/ the General Assembly oj Mary-
land. That the sheriff of Baltimore county shall have the same
right and power to deliver to the warden of the jail of Balti-
more county for safe keeping, as prisoners, all persons whom
he or any of his deputies shall arrest in virtue of any lawful
process iaa civil action to him directed, before such persons
shall be committted, as the said sheriff has by law to deliver
to the said warden, persons committed in, execution or for
want of special bail, and the said sheriff shall also have the
Or to take such
person out of jail
same right and power to take out of the said jail, any person
so by him delivered to the said warden for safe keeping, at any
time before such person shall be committed to prison as he
would have had, if the act entitled an act to appoint a warden
for the jail of Baltimore county had not been passed: Provid-
Certificate requir-
ed always That the said sheriff at the time of delivery to the
said warden, any person arrested on civil process, and not
committed, shall also deliver to him a copy certified by the
said sheriff to be true of the writ or other process, in virtue
of which such person shall be arrested and held in cus-
tody, and shall also give receipt for every person on taking
him out of the said jail, and also a certified copy of the order
of court, if any, in virtue of which such person shall be taken
out of prison
Compensation to
SEC 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases where any per-
son shall be so delivered by the sheriff to the warden cf the
said jail for safe keeping, or committed for want of special
bail, the said warden shall be entitled to receive for the use of