CHAP. 209
quired of her towards the construction of said rail road, the
Governor, by and with the advice ©f the Council, shall be, and
he is hereby authorised and empowered to appoint directors
on the part of this state, under the act to which this is a sup-
Passe March 16,
A further supplement to the act, entitled an act, for amending
and reducing into system, the laws and regulations concern-
ing last Wills and Testaments, the duties of executors, ad-
ministrators and guardians, and the rights of Orphans, and
other representatives of deceased persons.
of guatrdiani, shall
account foi guar-
dianship, &c.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in
case of the death of any guardian, before an account of his, or
her guardianship shall have been settled with the orphans
coart, it shall be the duty of his or her executor or administra-
tor, executrix or administratrix to render such account, shew-
ing thereby the amount with which such guardian may be pro-
perly chargeable, and the disbursements made by the deceas-
ed guardian, and the account so rendered, shall be examined
by the court, and if found to be correct, shall be admitted to
record in the same manner that other guardian's accounts are
examined and recorded.
Passed March 15,
An bet to authorise the leasing of a lot in the city of Baltimore
belonging to the heirs of Kennedy Owen.
Hugh Boyle and
thorised to lease
certain property,
SECTION 1. Be if enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Hugh Boyle, of the city of Baltimore, be, and he
is hereby authorised to demise and lease fur any term of years,
with the privilege of renewing the same at the expiration of
such term, to any person or persons, all the interest and
estate of the heirs of the late Kennedy Owen, to wit: Rebecca
Owen, Surah Owen, Mary ,Owen, Ann Owen, Agness Owen
and Kennedy Owen, now infants, in and to a certain lot of
ground, situate in the city of Baltimore, and contained within
the following tnetes and bounds, that is to say: eommennng
for the same at the north west corner formed by the intersec-
tion of the north side of Pleasant street and the west side of
a twenty feet alley (running parallel with North Charles street,
at the distance of about one hundred and thirty eight feet six
inches from said Charles street) and running from said inter-
seetion west forty feet binding on said Pleasant street, thence
north , parallel with the said twenty feet alky, forty five feet
three inches, thence east, parallel with Pleasant street, to the
said twenty feet alley, thence south, binding on the said alley,
to the place of beginning; the rent reserved by the demise of