by the act to which this lis a supplement, may make such elec-
tion or refusal, in writing to be signed by such person, in the
presence of one or more witnesses, who shall attest the same
in writing, and such written election or refusal, when filed
with the clerk among the proceedings in the case, shall have
the same erect and validity as if such person had made his of-
her election or refusal, in open court: Provided always, That
if any person entitled to make any such election or refusal,
shall be at the time a feme covert, such written election or
refusal shall not be valid, unless the same shall be acknow-
ledged by her, to be signed voluntarily in the presence of such
person or persons as are by law authorised to take acknow-
ledgments bv femes covert, of deeds conveying lands, or re-
leasing right of dower, and such acknowledgment, certified
to be made apart from her husband, in the manner required
by law in case of such deeds.
CHAP 208
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate the Bal-
timore and Ohio Rail Road Company.
Passed March 15
WHEREAS, doubts are entertained whether by the original
act to which this is a supplement, the Baltimore and Ohio rail
road company have the power to make and extend the said
rail road within the limits of the city of Baltimore: and where-
as the purposes of commerce make it absolutely necessary
that such a power should be granted to the said company—-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall and may be lawful for the president and
directors of the said company, to begin the said rail road at
any point within the said city of Baltimore which they may
think proper, and to make and extend the said road from such
point to the outer limits of the said city; and that the same
powers, rights and privileges, shall be, and are hereby granted
to the aforesaid company, within the limits of the city of Bal-
timore, in relation to, and in connexion with the said rail road
within the said city, as are granted to them in relation to, and
in connexion with the said rail road in any other part of the
state; and the said company shall within the said city, be sub-
ject to the same obligations that are imposed on them in other
Authority to con-
struct in the lim-
its of Baltimore
parts of the state by the original act to which this is a supple-
ment: Provided always, That the rail road to be constructed
within the said city, shall be so construe ted and made as not
to inferere with the free use and travelling on said streets:
And provided also, That the said, rait road shall not pass
through any of the streets, lanes or alleys of said city, without
the consent of the mayor and city council of Baltimore being
first had and obtained.
SEC. 2, And: be it enacted, That so soon as the state shall
have been tailed on, and shall have paid the instalment re-
State debt to ap-
point director