SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly o f Mary-
land, That Doctor James Thomas, for St. Mary's county;
Doctor John T. Rees, for Kent county; Doctor Gustavus
Warfield, for Anne Arundel county; Doctor Octavius Taney,
for Calvert county; John G. Chapman, for Charles county;
William F. Johnson, for Baltimore county; Doctor Samuel
F. Kemp, for Talbot county; Doctor Henry Holand, for So-
merset county; Doctor Joseph E, Muse, for Dorchester coun-
ty; John C. Herbert, for Prince Georges county; Doctor Ro-
bert Goldsborough, senior, for Queen Anns county ; Doctor
John S. Martin, for Worcester county; Doctor William Ty-
ler, for Frederick county; Doctor William Whittle , tor Ca-
roline county; Doctor John Clagett Dorsey, for Washington
county; Doctor George E. Muenell, for Cecil county; Doc-
tor Henry Howard, for Montgomery county; Doctor James
Montgomery, for Harford county; Brice W. Howard, for
Allegany county: Alexander Fridge, George Hoffman, Up-
ton S. Heath, Doctor Joshua I. Cohen, Charles Howard (of
John E.) J. J. Donaldson, John Scott, David Keener, Hugh
McElderry, William Hubbard and Evan T. Elsicott, for the
city of Baltimore, be, and they and the president and vice
president hereinafter named, are hereby declared to be a body
corporate and politic, by the name, style and tide of the Pre-
sident and Visitors of the Maryland Hospital, and they and
their successors, by the same name, are hereby made, created,
erected, constituted and declared in fact and name, one body
politic and corporate forever, and shall by the same name
have perpetual succession, and shall and may by the same
name be capable in law to sue and be sued, implead and be
impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be de-
fended in all courts and elsewhere, in all manner of actions,
suits, complaints, pleas, causes, matters and demands whatso-
ever, as fully and amply as any citizen of this state may or
can be sued, implead or be impleaded, defend or be defended
by any lawful ways or means whatsoever.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That all that lot, piece or parcel
of ground, heretofore, on the eighteenth day of May, seven-
teen hundred and ninety eight, conveyed by Jeremiah Yellott
to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, and by deed bear-
ing date the thirteenth day of February in the year of our
Lord eighteen hundred and twenty eight, conveyed by the
mayor of the city of Baltimore, and in behalf of the councii of
the said city, to the state of Maryland, together witn all the
buildings, improvements and appurtenances thereon and
thereto belonging, be, and they are hereby vested in the said
president and visitors of the Maryland Hospital, and their
successors forever, for and as a common state hospital, and
that the said president and visitors of the Maryland hospital
shall forever hereafter be persons capable and able in law to
Title to property.