CHAP. 203
were, and had always been a feme sole, and to hold, use and
enjoy the same for her own use and benefit, and the same to
dispose of according to her will and pleasure, without the let,
hindrance, molestation, interference or consent of her husband,
Charles Ferdinand Hartman, in as full and ample manner as
if she were and always had been a feme sole, and may in her
own name sue and be sued at law and in equity.
Her name changed
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That the name of Rebecca Hart-
man is hereby changed and altered unto the name of Rebecca
Roach, and she shall at all times hereafter be called and known
by, and hold and use the name of Roach only, and by such
name shall sue and be sued in any court of law or equity,
Her acts confirm-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all securities, promises^
contracts, assurances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever, here-
after to t»e made and done by and to the said Rebecca Hart-
man, by the name of Rebecca Roach, shall be of the same.
force, validity and effect, and of equal avail, to all intents and
purposes, as if the name of Rebecca Roach had been the true
aid proper name of the said Rebecca Hartman from her birth,
any law or custom to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided,
That nothing in this act contained shall affect the rights of
third persons acquired previous to the passage of this act.
Passed March 15
An act for the relief of the securities of Francis Gillespie,
Authority to col-
lect dues
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the securities of Francis Gilfespie, late sheriff of
Cecil county, for the years eighteen hundred and twenty one,
eighteen hundred and twenty two, eighteen hundred and
twenty thret and eighteen hundred and twenty four, be, and
the same arc hereby authorised and empowered to collect all
fees and public dues which were placed, during the years for
which they were respectively the securities of said Gillespie,
in the hands of said Gillespie for collection, and which have
not been collected by him, or to place the same in the hands
of the present sheriff of Cecil county for collection.
Sheriff aijttiwised
and required to
collect and ac-
count for
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the present sheriff of Cecil
county be and he is hereby empowered and required to collect
all such fees and public dues thus placed in his hands for
collection, in the manner prescribed by law for the collection
of other fees and public dues placed in his hands for collec-
tion; and that the said sheriff, within ten months after said
fees and dues shall have bees) thus placed in his hands, shall
accounts for other fees and public dues, to the said securi-
ties of said Francis Giliespie respectively, for all such fees and
public dues which were placed in the hands of the said Gil-
lespie during the year for which they were his sureties,