CHAP. 205
Hold estate, &c.
purchase, take, hold, receive and enjoy, to them and their
successors, any messuages, tenements, houses and real estate
whatsoever, and all other hereditaments of whatsoever nature,
kind and quality they be, in fee simple, for a term of life or
lives, or in any other manner, and also any goods, chattels and
personal estate whatsoever, and that they and their successors
shall have full power and authority by the same name to give
grant, sell, lease, demise and dispose of the same real estate and
hereditaments for life or lives,or years forever, and also all goods
chattels and personal estate whatsoever at their will and plea-
sure, as they shall judge to be most beneficial and advanta-
geous to the good and charitable ends and purposes of this act,
and that it shall and may be lawful for them and their succes-
sors hereafter, to have a common seal, to serve for the causes
and business of them and their successors, and the same seal
to, change, alter, break and make new, from time to time at
their will and pleasure.
Persons authorised
to choose presi-
dent -vice presi-
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Doctor James
Thomas, Doctor John T. Rees, Doctor Gustavus Warfield,
Doctor Octavius Taney, John G Chapman, William F.John-
son, Doctor Samuel T. Kemp, Doctor Henry Hiland, Joseph
E. Muse, John C, Herbert, Doctor Robert Goldsborough,
senior, Doctor John S, Martin, Doctor William Tyler, Doc-
tar William Whitely, Doctor John Clagett Dorsey, Doctor
George E. Mitchell, Doctor Henry Howard, Doctor James
Montgomery, Brice W. Howard, Alexander Fridge, George
Hoffman, Upton S. Heath, Doctor John I. Cohen, Charles
Howard (of John E ), J. J. Donaldson John Scott, David
Keener, Hugh McElderry, William Hubbard and Evan T.
Ellicott, or any number of them not less than seven, which
number shall be a quorum, competent to exercise all the pow-
ers and execute all the duties conferred and required by the
provisions of this act, shall be, and they are hereby authoris-
ed, empowered and required to assemble at any place in the
city of Baltimore by them, agreed upon, on the third Monday
in May next, and elect from their own body, or from the
Absolute control
citizens of Maryland at large, by ballot, a person to act as
president of the visitors aforesaid, and in the same manner,
some person to act as vice president, which said president,
vice-president and visitors, shall have the sole absolute con-
trol and government of the said hospital, in manner as here-
Secretary &c Trea-
Annua meeting
and election of of-
after is declared and appointed, and shall further have power
and authority to appoint a secretary to their board, and a trea-
surer for said hospital,
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said president, vice
president and visitors shall be, and they are hereby authorised
forever after the said third Monday in May next, to meet
and assemble at such place in said hospital, or the city of
Baltimore as they may designate, on the third Monday of
every successive May thereafter, and in the same manner as
is hereinbefore directed, elect a president, vice president, se-
cretary and treasurer as aforesaid, which said president, vice
president, secretary and treasurer shall hold, occupy and
possess their respective offices for one year, and until other