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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 262   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP 200.

rant to the Sheriff of said coun ty, to summon a jury of twelve
disinterested freeholders of said county, to attend at Port De-
posit on a day to be named in the said warrant, of which the
said sheriff shall give notice to the parties interested, if in the
county, and on .the day so appointed if nine or more of the
jurors shall attend, the said sheriff may proceed to administer
an oath or affirmation to each of the attending jurors that he
will justly and impartially value the damage which the owner
of such ground or materials will sustain by using the same
for the purpose of constructing the Port Deposit, and Chesa-
peake Turnpike road, and a true inquest make thereof, and
the inquisition signed by the said jurors or any, nine of them
shall be certified by the said sheriff; and returned to the clerk

Payment therefor

of Cecil county court and on payment of the amount of damag
ges ascertained by such inquisition, or tendering such pay-
ment to the person or persons entitled thereto, or in case of
the refusal or absence of such person, depositing such amount
for his, her or their use in the Elkton Bank, the said managers
shall be entitled to use the ground or materials so valued, as
the case may be, and any inquisition which shall be taken in
virtue of this act shall not be set aside for want of form,



Passed March 15,

An act relative to vacant state lands in Washington county.

Vacant lands may
be taken up

Actt inconsistent
herewith repeated

SECTION, I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That all vacant lands in Washington county, may
hereafttr he taken up by contmon or special warrant, or war-
rant of resurvey in the usual manner, at twenty five cents per acre,
one half to be paid at the time of obtaining the warrant, and
the other half on the return of the certificate: Provided, That
all warrants already issued shall be compounded on, agreeably
to the law under which they were respectively obtained,
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That all laws heretofore passed
on this subject, which are contrary to, or inconsistent with the
provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.



Passed March 15


An act to make public a road therein mentioned.


WHEREAS, it is represented to the General Assembly, by
the petition of Israel M. Jackson, of Prince George's county,
thsi he is the owner of about fifty acres of land, most of which
is in wood lying and being in said county, and the said land
being entirely surrounded by the land of John Eversfield of
the county aforesaid which prevents him from having a free
intercourse with said land, to the great injury of said petiti-
oner; and whereas it is further represented that there has
been until lately a road leading item the petitioner's to the

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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 262   View pdf image (33K)
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