Veiling on or using the said road, to erect turnpike gates, and
appoint tolt gatherers for that purpose, and the tolls when re-
ceived, may apply to the construction and completion of the
said road, until it intersects the road leading from Battle
Swamp to Chesapeake., near Gales saw mills, and after com-
pleting the said road so far, shall divide semi-annually, the
nett profits in just proportions among the stockholders.
CHAP, 200
SEC, 7. And be it exacted, That the tolls which the said man-
agers may charge and collect, shall not exceed the following
rates for five miles, and so in proportion for any greater or
4ess distance; to wit; from every foot passenger two cents;
for every four wheel carriage, either oi burthen or pleasure,
drawn by six horses, thirty-one cents; and for carnages of the
same description drawn by five horses, twenty five cents; and
for carriages of the same description drawn by four horses
twenty cents; and for carriages of the same description drawn
by three horses, eighteen and three quarter cents; and for
carriages of the same description drawn by two horses, twelve
and a half cents; and for carriages of the same description
drawn by one horse, eight cents; for every two wheel carriage,
either of burthen or pleasure, for every horse therein eight
cents, for every sled or sleigh drawn by four horses twenty
cents; for every sled or sleigh drawn by two horses ten cents;
:for every sled or sleigh drawn by one horse, six and a quarter
cents; for every horseman sis and a quarter cents; for every
Rate of tolls
led or single horse four cents; for every head of horned cat-
tle two cents; for every head of sheep or swine one cent: Pro-
vided, That no toll shall be demanded or taken from any per
son passing from one part of his farm to another part there-
of, and to or from any place of public worship, on the sabbath
day, or funeral.
SEC. 8, And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
said managers, at all times after the said road shall be certi-
fied by inspectors as aforesaid, to be in good order for tra-
velling, to cause the same to be kept in good order and re-
pair; and if any complaint shall be made to Cecil county court
that the said road is not kept in good repair, the said court
shall direct the grand jury to enquire as to the correctness of
Such complainant, and if it shall on presentment of the jury
and trial be ascertained to be well founded, the court may or-
der that the toll gates shall be opened, and no tolls collected
until the said road shall be certified to be sufficiently repaired
and in good order for travelling, by inspectors to be appointed
by said court, or by the levy court, on application as is here-
inbefore provided.
Proceedings if the
road is not kept in
goad order
Sec. 9. And be it enacted That if from any cause the mana-
gers aforesaid canoot contract or agree with the owner of any
ground over which the said road shall be located, or the own-
er of any materials which it may be necessary to use for the
construction of said road, tor permission to use and occupy
such ground, or fur the use or purchase of such materials,
the said managers may apply to any justice of the peace in
and for Cecil county, whose duty it shall be to issue his war-
Method of ascer,
taining compensa-
tion for use-and