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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP, 200

Powers granted to
managers, &c

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That any three of the said managed
including or without the president, shall constitute a board
and a quorum for the transaction of all kinds of business, and
shall be i ompeteut to appoint all such officers, agents and ser-
vants whatsoever, as they may deem necessary for the trans-
action of the business of the company fix their compensation
and dismiss them at pleasure,, to provide for requiring and
taking security for the faithful performance of the duty of any
officer of the company, for making all contracts which shall be
necessary to effect the purposes contemplated by this act, and
for settling all the accounts of the company, to provide for
furnishing to stockholders, certificates or other evidence of
their right to stock, and for the transfer of stock, and the evi-
dence of such transfer, and to pass all such by-laws as shall
be proper or necessary for exercising all the powers, rights
and privileges vested in the company hereby incorporated, or
in the said managers, or for the performance of the duties re-
quired of them by this act, and the said by-laws from time to
time to alter and repeal, subject nevertheless, to the revision
of the stockholders at a general meeting, as is hereinbefore

Require instal-
ments on aboard

Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the managers of the said
Company may provide for calling in and enforcing the payment
of the shares of the capital stock, from the subscribers there-
for, or their assigns, in such instalments and on such notice
as they shall deem reasonable, and may and shall apply the

Locate road

said capital stock when received to the purpose of locating and
constructing a turnpike or artificial road not exceeding sixty
feet broad, from Port Deposit to the town called Chesapeake
of fit and lasting materials, and along the margin of the Sus-
quehanna river, or as hear thereto as may be practicable and
convenient for public use, and the said managers are hereby
vested with full powers to locate and construct the said road
commencing at Port Deposit, or such part of it from time to
time as the funds which they shall obtain by subscription as
aforesaid, and from time to time when they shall deem it ad-
visable to open their subscription books, or from tolls or o

Stone quarry ways
provided for

therwise will enable them to doj Provided, however, That the
propriettor of any stone quarry adjacent to said road shall be
and hereby is authorised to construct one or more inclined
planes aver and across the said road, in such man net as shall

Means of obtaining
licenses to erect
toll gates as the
road progress

not interrupt the ordinary travel thereon.
SEC, 6. And be it enacted, That when and as soon as the
said road shall be completed as far down towards Chesapeake
as Pisces Point or Fish Point, and so from time to time any
greater distance; it shall be the duty of the levy court of Ce-
cil county on the application of the said managers to appoint
three respectable persons to inspect the same, and if the said
inspectors or any two of them shall certify that the said road
so completed, is substantially and well constructed and in
good order for travelling, on filing such certificate in the office
of the clerk of Cecil county court, the said managers shall be
empowered to collect the tolls hereinafter mentioned, for tra-

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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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