tion, the same not being contrary to the laws of this state or
of the United States, and generally to do and execute all such
acts, matters and things, as to them shall or may appertain to
CHAP. 193
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That until there shall be under
this act an election of officers necessary to the ends of this in-
stitution those now acting, or who may be hereafter appointed
to act, under any existing regulation of the society, shall con-
tinue so to do, according to the provisions of the society here-
tofore made, and such regulations shall, till lawfully altered,
be deemed as valid and obligatory as if made since the pass-
ing of this act.
Present officers
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That no member of the society
shall in his individual capacity, be answerable for any losses,
deficiencies or failures of the joint fund of the said society for
any more or larger sum or sums of money whatever, than the
current amount by him payable into the common fund of the
Individuals not
An act for the relief of Juliann Walgamot, of Washington
Passed March 14
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Juiiann Walgatnot, of Washington county, be, and
she is hereby divorced from bed, board and mutual cohabita-
tion with her husband, John Walgamot.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all the right and title which
the said John Walgamot, by virtue of his marriage with the
said Juiiann Walgamot, may become entitled to in any way
or manner whatever, be, and the same is hereby -annulled and
made void; and that the said Juiiann Walgamot be, and
she is hereby declared capable to have, hold, take, receive,
sue for and recover by compromise, suit or suits in law or
equity, all such property in as full and ample a manner as if
she were a feme sole, and had never been married; and to hold,
use and enjuy the same for her own use and benefit, and the
same to dispose of according to her will and pleasure, with-
out the molestation, interference, hindrance or consent of her
said husband, or of any person or persons claiming by, from or
under tier said husband, in the same manner she could or
His authority an-
might have done were she feme sole.
SEC. 3, And be it enacted, That the said Juiiann Walgamot
be, and she is hereby declared to be entitled to the custody
and guardianship of her children without the molestation, let,
hindrance, interference or consent of the said John Walga-
Guardianship of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That the said John Walgamot
shall not be liable for any debts to be hereafter contracted by
the said Juiiann Walgamot
His liability