January, eighteen hundred and thirty, if the judgments a-
gainst them hereinbefore mentioned shall not be satisfied at
that time.
CHAP. 190
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to alter and amend the
charter of the city of Annapolis.
Passed Much 14
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly, by
the petition of the mayor, recorder, aldermen and common
council of the city of Annapolis, that they have heretofore
exercised the power to regulate and license carriages of plea-
sure and burthen belonging to, and owned by the residents of
the said city, and doubts have arisen as to the extent of said
power — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the mayor, recorder,
aldermen and common council of the city of Annapolis, shall
have full power and authority to regulate and license all car-
riages of pleasure and burthen belonging to, and used by the
residents of the said citv.
Authority to regu-
late carriages.
An act to authorise and empower Richard Ireland Jones, of the
city of Annapolis, to remove certain negroes from the state
of Kentucky into this state.
Passed March 14,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Richard Ireland Jones, of the city of Annapolis, be, and he
is hereby authorised and empowered to import and bring into
this state, from the state of Kentucky, the following named
slaves, to wit: one negro man named Charles, one negro wo-
man named Jenny, one boy named Charles, one girl named
Rhoda, one boy named Nat, one other boy named Ben, and
one woman named Judy, and to have and to hold the said
negroes in the same right and manner as if they had been
born in this state, and had never been removed therefrom, any
Importation au-
law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, a list of said
slaves be rendered in the manner directed by the act of seven-
teen hundred and ninety six, chapter sixty seven: And provid-
ed also, That nothing contained in this act shall authorise the
said Richard Ireland Jones, to make sale of any of the said
slaves until they shall have resided in this state for the term of
three years.