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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 190

of, but which said collector so employed to complete the col-
lections aforesaid, never did make a fair and true return of
the monies so collected by him, to the said John Aisquith,
which compelled the said John Aisquith to commence suits
against the said last mentioned collector, and his securities on
the bonds given by him at the time of the acceptance of the
said trust so reposed in him as aforesaid, and which suits are
now pending in Baltimore county court, for the recovery of
the sum due from said last mentioned collector, which sum
is ample and sufficient to pay and discharge the balances due
on the aforesaid bonds of the said Robert C. Aisquith. And
whereas the said John Aisquith by his petition aforesaid, prays
for an act of this General Assembly, enacting that all legal
proceedings against him as administrator as aforesaid, and a-
gainst the securities on the bonds of the said Robert C. Ais-
quith, whereby payment of the said arrearages of taxes can be
enforced, shall be suspended for some time, in order that
judgments may be obtained by the said John Aisquith, admin-
istrator as aforesaid, against the collector and the securities of
the collector so employed by him as aforesaid, to complete
the collections so left uncollected by the said Robert C, Ais-
quith. And whereas the prayer of the petitioner is reasona-
ble: Therefore,

Legal proceedings

SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and aiter the passage of this act, all further
legal proceedings upon suits instituted and pending in Balti-
more county court, by the levy court of Baltimore county, or
by the stale of Maryland aforesaid, against the said John Ais-
quith, administrator, or against the securities of the said Ro-
bert Aisquith, shall be suspended, until the said John Ais-
quith shall obtain judgments against the collector or the secu-
rities of the collector so appointed by the said John Aisquith,
to complete the collections of the said arrearages of taxes so
left uncollected by the said Robert C. Aisquith, at the time of

Executions, &c sus-

his decease.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no execution now issued
against the said administrator or against the securities of the
said Robert C. Aisquith, shall be enforced for the payment of
the said arrearages of taxes, nor shall any further execution
be issued by any court in this state upon the judgments afore-
said, against the said John Aisquith, as administrator as a-
foresaid, or against the securities of the said Robert C. Ais-


quith, until the judgments above referred to shall be obtained
by the said John Aisquith: Provided, however, That nothing
in this act contained, shall prevent judgment being obtained
and entered up against the said John Aisquith, as administra-
tor, or against the securities of the said Robert C. Aisquith,
in the suits now pending against them as aforesaid, where no
judgments have yet been obtained, or entered up; And pro-
vided also, That nothing herein contained, shall be construed
to suspend the issuing of execution or of other needful pro-
ceedings against the said John Aisquith or the securities of
Robert C. Aisquith aforesaid, from and after the first day of

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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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