SEC. 10. An be it enacted, That the president and directors
shall, on the first Monday of July, in the year of our Lord,
one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, and on the first
Monday of January and July in every year thereafter, declare
and divide so much of the profits of the said corporation, as
to them shall appear safe and advisable, and the dividend so
declared shall be paid to the respective stockholders, agreea-
bly to such rules as the president and directors shall make for
that purpose.
CHAP. 189
Annual dividend
of profit
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That the shares of the stock of
the said corporation shall he assignable and transferable, ac-
cording to such rules and regulations as the president and di-
rectors shall for that purpose ordain and establish, and not
otherwise: Provided, That no person or persons shall hold or
be owners of any share or shares of the stock of this corpo-
ration, who are not citizens of, or resident in the United
Shares transferrable
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That if at any time it shall ap-
pear to the Legislature, that the chartered privileges hereby
granted are injurious to the public welfare, the power thereof
to repeal this act shall not on any conditions be denied or im-
paired; but such repeal shall not affect any engagements to
which said company may have become a party previously
thereto, and that the said company shall have a reasonable time
to bring their accounts to a final settlement and determination.
Right of repair re-
An act for the relief of John Aisquith, administrator of Robert
C. Aisquith, late collector of taxes for the city of Baltimore,
deceased, and of his securities.
Passed March 14
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General Assem-
bly, by the petition of the above named John Aisquith, that
the said Robert C. Aisquith was in his life time appointed to
collect the county tax for the year eighteen hundred and twen-
ty-three, and the state tax for eighteen hundred and twenty-
four, in and for certain districts, in the city aforesaid, and
that the said Robert C. Aisquith departed this life without
having completed the same. And whereas, it has been fur-
ther represented to this General Assembly, that suits have
been instituted by the levy court of Baltimore county; and
also by the state of Maryland, in Baltimore county court, a-
gainst the said John Aisquith, as administrator aforesaid, and
against the securities on the bonds of the said Robert C. Ais-
quith, deceased, and judgments have been rendered in some of
the said cases, and the others are still pending. And where-
as, it is represented to this General Assembly, that after
the decease of the said Robert C. Aisquith, the said John
Aisquith employed another collector to complete the said col-
lections so left uncollected by the said Robert C. Aisquith,
who did collect a considerable amount of the arrearages there-