guager shall give a certificate, specifying the true quantity of
proof domestic distilled liquor contained in each cask so
guaged and inspected at any time by him.
CHAP. 181
SEC 5. And be it enacted, That said guagers in order to as-
certain the capacity of casks, shall conform to the present
Baltimore standard wine measure, and if any cask or vessel
guaged and marked by either of said guagers, shall in its ca-
pacity be found lacking or exceeding one or more gallons in
any barrel, or two or more gallons in any cask of a larger size,
Standard of capa-
the guager who may have so erroneously marked the same,
shall forfeit and pay two dollars for each and every gallon so
lacking or exceeding the number of gallons marked by him on
such cask, and it shall be the duty of said guager, whenever
Penalty for erro-
neously marking
the government of the United States shall determine to em-
ploy a different hydrometer to procure and use hydrometers
of the description which shall then be used by the guagers of
said government.
Conform to the
Hydrometer of the
U. States
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage
6f this act, the several guagers who shall be appointed in the
city of Baltimore, or for any other place in said state, shall be
entitled to claim and receive from the seller or exporter of any:
liquors in casks, the following compensation for his services,
that is to say, for guaging casks containing domestic distilled
liquors, if not exceeding forty gallons, six cents and one fourth
of a cent per cask, for proving the same three cents, for guaging
casks containing such liquors, if of larger size, ten cents per
cask, for proving the same four cents, and for registering in a
book, to be kept for that purpose, and giving a certificate
therefrom of the quantity so guaged and inspected, for any
person whenever required, one cent per cask, and for guag-
ing casks containing oil or molasses, and not exceeding forty
gallons, ten cents per cask; if of larger size fifteen cents per
cask, and for guaging casks containing any other liquor six
cents and one fourth of a cent per cask if not exceeding forty
gallons, and ten cents per cask if of larger size; and incase
the true ullage only of such casks be taken, then five cents per
cask, and for reinspecting and marking casks containing do-
mestic distilled liquor, four cents per cask, to be paid by the
purchaser, unless the liquor be found below the proof origi-
nally marked, in which case, the seller shall pay for such re-
Compensation to
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
shall alter any mark or number, marked or set dawn by
either of the guagers aforesaid, thereby to deceive and de-
fraud the purchaser of distilled liquors, wine, molasses, oil,
or other liquid merchandize, so as aforesaid guaged, inspect-
ed and marked, or shall put any false mark or number on any
such cask, or upon any certificate, intending to counterfeit the
mark or numbers of the guager, every such person or persons
so offending, shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars for every
such offence, one half to the use of the informer, and the other
half to the use of the state
Penalty for alter-
ing marks , &c