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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 216   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP 181.

tricts, and having allowed one district to each guager, that
they shall thereafter perform their duties progressively
through said district, interchanging the same on every Mon-
day morning, and that it shall and may be lawful for either
of said guagers upon application being made to him for that
purpose, to guage and inspect within any pther than his allot-
ed district, provided the quantity of liquor ready to be guaged
or inspected, shall make it necessary for him to do so in or-
der to prevent delay; and it shall be the duty of each of the

Make returns on

guagers aforesaid, to return once in every six months, or oath
or affirmation to the Governor and Council, an accurate ac-
count of the number of each denomination of casks containing
liquors by him guaged or inspected, distinguishing those con-
taining domestic distilled liquors from all others.-

Mark B.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the guagers aforesaid shall
mark all merchantable casks containing domestic distilled li-
quors, with the letter B, with a marking iron on the bilge near

Cask purchased

the bung of each cask, to denote Baltimore inspection, and
every cask containing such liquor to be apssed as merchanta-
ble, must be round at the bilge and heads, the staves thereof
to be seasoned white oak, free from any injurious portion of
sap wood, and not less than half an inch thick at the thinest
part, and not more than three quarters of an inch at the thick-
est part thereof, and to be tight and secured with sufficient
number of good hoops, if of iron six, and if of wood, not less
than twelve good and sufficient hoops on all barrels, and at
least twelve good and sufficient hoops on all double barrels
and hogsheads; and if any cask containing such liquor shall
be found insufficient in any of those respects by either of said


guagers, he shall direct it to be coopered, or other casks sub-
stituted therefor, at the expense of the owner or seller, and if

Forfeit for fraud

any cask containing domestic liquors submitted to be guaged
or inspected, shall be found to have been fraudulently made,

Guaging instru-


the owner or seller thereof, or his agent so submitting such
cask, shall forfeit the cask to the use of the state.

Mark of capacity
of contents
Standard of proof
Mark of contents
declared under pe-
Certificate of quan-


SEC, 4. And be it enacted, That each of the guagers afore-
said, shall procure and use a correct set of gauging instru-
ments and Dycus's hydrometer, which he shall keep in good
order; and as soon as he has ascertained the capacity of any
cask, and the strength of the domestic distilled liquors con-
tained therein, he shall distinctly mark with marking irons
the capacity on the bilge, near the bung, and prefixing the
initial letter of his surname, he shall likewise mark the num-
ber of gallons of proof spirit contained in said cask on the
head thereof, and for this purpose the standard of proof spirit
is hereby fixed at eighty-five degrees of the aforesaid hydro-
meter, and all marks that shall be made by either of the guag-
ers aforesaid, determining the quantity of proof domestic dis-
tilled liquors contained in any cask, shall be defaced thereon
so soon as the same shall have been emptied, under a penalty
of five dollars to the use of the informer, to be paid by the
owner or person having possession of said cask or casks, and
whenever it may be required by the seller or his agent, the


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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 216   View pdf image (33K)
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