CHAP. 181
Penalty for expor-
ting without hav-
ing guaged.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this act, all domestic distilled spirits brought to or
made in the city or port of Baltimore, ami contained in casks
shall prior to exportation from said port be guaged, inspected
and marked as herein before directed, and if any person or
persons shall export any cask containing domestic distilled
liquors before the same shall have been guaged, inspected and
marker! by the proper guager, as directed by this act, he or
they so exporting such liquors, shall forfeit and pay ten dol-
lars for every cask thereoi, one half to the use of the informer,
and the other half to the use of the state.
Guage forfeits for
buying; or selling
Sec, 9 And be it enacted, That it shall be, and is hereby
declared to be unlawful for any person who shall have been
appointed a guager in virtue of this act, directly or indirect-
ly to sell or exchange any domestic distilled liquor during his
continuance in said office; and if any guager shall violate this
provision, the Governor and Council are hereby required up-
on proof thereof having been made to their satisfaction, to re-
move him from office forthwith; and such guager shall also
be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars for each and every
Removeable at
such offence.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the guagers who shall
be appointed in viitue of this act, may be removed from office
at the pleasure of the Governor and Council, and mat no o-
Penalty for guag-
ing without ap-
ther person than a guager so appointed, shall guage or in-
sprct liquid merchandize within the city of Baltimore, or any
other place for any buyer, seller or shipper thereof under a
penalty of five dollars for every offence, to be forfeited and
paid, one half to the use of the informer, and the other half to
the use of the state, save and except the guagers appointed by
the United States, when he or they may be required to guage
and inspect under the laws of the United States, and the de-
puty of either of the guagers aforesaid, during the period in
which his principal may be sick.
Fines recoverable
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the fines prescribed by
this act, may and shall be recovered before any justice of the
peace in the same manner that sums of like amount are by
law recoverable or in any court of record as the case may be.
Passed March 7,
An act to incorporate the Port Deposit and Columbia Turn-
pike Road Company.
Company incorpo-
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary -
land, That a company be incorporated to make a turnpike or
artificial road from Port Deposit to the Pennsylvania line, to
be located by the president and managers hereafter to be ap-
pointed under the provisions of this act.
Commissioners to
open books.
SEC. 2 And be it enacted, That subscription books be open-
ed lor a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, in shares of
twenty five dollars each, and that subscriptions be taken in
Cecil county, under the direction of Henry S, Stites, John