CHAP. 178
Passed March 12,
A further supplement to an act, entitled an act, to incorporate d
company to make a Turnpike Road to lead from the Cross
Roads near Richard Catorfs lime kiln, in Baltimore county
nearly in the direction of Jones' Falls to the City of Balti-
Powers granted
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the president, managers and company of the Falls
Turnpike Road, in Baltimore county, be and they are hereby
authorised to locate, construct and establish a rail road, not
exceeding sixty six feet in width, of one or more tracks, in the
ravine, or along the valley of Jones' Falls, in Baltimore coun-
ty, following the general course of the said turnpike road, from
the city of Baltimore, and ending at or near its termination by
Richard Caton's lime kiln, with power to extend the said rail
road to any quarry, mill, lime kiln, Iron works or factory,
situated or being within ten miles from the aforesaid termina-
tion: Provided, That in making such extensions, of the said
rail road to any quarry, mill, lime kiln, iron works or factory
the president and managers of the said Falls Turnpike Road
Company shall not connect the same with, or cross the rail
road, authorised by the act, entitled an act, to incorporate the
Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road Company, passed at
this present session, and with power also to extend the said
rail road within the city of Baltimore, by and with the consent
of the irajor and city council, provided the said road shall
be so constructed as net to interrupt the ordinary travel there*
Further powers
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the president, managers
and company of the said Falls turnpike road, shall have, en-
joy, and may extrcise all the powers, rights and privileges for
the location, construction, preservation, use and benefit of the
rail road, and of every part thereof, which by this act their are
authorised to locate and construct, that by the act, entitled an
act to incorporate the Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road
company, are given, permitted and secured to the said rail
road company, and to the president and directors thereof:
Provided, however, That the proprietors of a major part of the
capital stock, and of the funded debt of said turnpike road
company, shall first give their consent to the construction of
the rail road herein authorised to be made, in a special meet-
ing of the said proprietors, to be convened for that purpose,
and of which meeting ten days previous notice shall be given
in two or more daily newspapers published in the city of Bal-
timore: And provided also, That all the property except the
road and the carriages used thereon, which may be held by
said company, shall be subject to taxation, as the property of
a like kind held by citizens of this state.
Authority to
cede a certain road
Sec. 3, And be it enacted, That the president and managers
of the said Falls Turnpike Road Company, or a majority of
them be, and they are hereby authorised to release, cede and
convey to the commissioners of said county, a certain road