county, shall be residents of the election district for which
they are chosen, and that the voters of each election district,
shall be entitled to vote for such commissioner or commission,
ers as are authorised to be chosen for the several districts in
the original law to which this is a supplement, and for none
other; any thing in the original act to which this is a supple-
ment to the contrary notwithstanding.
CHAP. 175
An act f or the benefit of Sally Elzey and William Long, of So-
merset County.
Passed March 129
WHEREAS, it is represented that by Whitley Fountain, the
guardian and uncle of Sally Elzey and William Long, that
the parents of said minors removed from this state to the state
of Kentucky, carrying out with them certain negroes, and that
said parents both died in Kentucky, leaving said minors or-
phans', and without kindred and protectors in that state, and
that he the said Whitley Fountain brought said minors back
into Somerset county, in Maryland, with the following ne-
groes of the said minors, viz: Flora, Meda, Isaac, Priscilla,
Saul, and entered the said negroes on the records of Somerset
county according to law, and understanding doubts are enter-
tained whether it would be lawful to hire out said slaves till
the lapse of three years atter they were brought back into this
state: Therefore,
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the hiring of said slaves in this state shall be law-
ful, and shall not entitle to freedom any of the slaves of said
Permission to hire
An additional supplement to an act, entitled an act, to Incorpo-
rate a Company to make a Turnpike Road from the Public
Square in Hagerstown to intersect the Turnpike Road lead
ing from Gettysburgh through Nicholson's Gap, at the Penn-
sylvania line.
Passed March 13,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a further time of three years is allowed the Hagerstown
and Antietam Turnpike Company, to commence the turnpike
road from the public square in Hagerstown to intersect the
turnpike road leading from Gettysburgh through Nicholson's
Gap, at the Pennsylvania line, and the further time of ten
years is hereby allowed the said company to complete the
1 year allowed.