CHAP. 1731
cated in each district, designating their sex and age, the prp-_
gress made by them, the amount of monies paid to the teach-
ers of said districts, for their salaries, specifying the school
districts and the number of school houses built or otherwise
procured in each school district of said county.
Commisioners to
report to assembly
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
commissioners of primary schools of Anne Arundel county,
and they are hereby required to report to the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, on the third Monday of January in each and
every year, an accurate account of the amount of the school
fund belonging to said county, the amount received by them
from the treasurer of the Western Shore, or placed by him
to their credit in the Farmers' Bank of Maryland as aforesaid,
in virtue of this act, and also a particular statement of the mo-
nies paid to the teachers in said school districts for their sala-
ries, the number of pupils educated in said school districts,
designating their age and sex, the progress made by them, the
condition of said schools, and the number of school houses built
or otherwise procured in each school district of said county.
Majority of inhab-
tants authorised
to lay tax.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That a majority of the taxable
inhabitants residing in any school district of said county, may
and they are hereby authorised if they see lit, at any legal dis-
trict meeting, to be held under the provisions of the act of
eighteen hundred and twenty five, chapter one hundred and
sixty two, to vote a tax on the resident inhabitants of such
district in aid of the monies. to be received and applied by the
trustees as aforesaid, ip the payment of the salaries of the
teachers employed in said districts.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all such parts of the acts of
the several acts of Assembly of Maryland, passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and sixteen, chapter one hun-
dred and fifty six, entitled, An act for the distribution of a
certain fond for the purpose of establishing free schools in
the several counties therein named, and the act passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and twenty five, chapter one
hundred and sixty two? entitled, An act to provide for the
public instruction of youth in primary schools throughout this
state, so far as the same are inconsistent with, and repugnant
to, the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby re-
Passed March 8,
An act io incorporate the Stockholders of the Ttal-co-tal Min-
ing Company of Baltimore.
Corporate powers
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That William Bose, Hy. W Bool, junior, John Berry-
man, John T. Barr, Hugh Birckhead, Hugh Boyle, Robert D,
Burns and Neilson, C. C. Cambrelong, J, R. Poinsett,Charles
Crook, junior, Edward J: Coale, William Donaldson, John J.
Donaldson, Samuel J, Donaldson, Henry Didier, James Dun-