W, Edmund Didier, William H. Dorsey, F, J. Dallam, RU
chard Dawson, Frederick Dawson, Hugh W. Evans, Joseph
Escavailie, Samuel Fenby, William H. Freeman, John S,
Gettings, James C. Gettings, Eliza Gassaway, If, H. flayden,
John A. Hamilton, Andrew Hall, Henry H. Harwood, Joshua
Hutchens, Chester Hayden, Samuel Harris & Co. Christo-
pher Johnson, Felix Jenkins, John R. Kelso, Leonard Kim-
ball, Samuel Keyser, Andrew T. Leakin, John Merryman,
James W. M'Culloh, William M. Medcalf, Robert Marshall,
William D. M'Kim, Baptist Mezick, M'Kim Sc Maslin, D,
F. Magruder, Henry Nicols, Columbus O'Donnell, Eaton R.
Patridge, Arthur Pue, George G. Presbury, Josias Penning-
ton, Henry Payson, Nathaniel Pearce, Rebecca Pue, Joseph
Parker & Co. Phoenix & Co. John Patterson, George Riston,
Edward P. Roberts, D. A Smith, Stockton & Stokes, John
S. Stiles, I. Spilman,T. F. Spilman, W. W. Taylor, William
Tiffany, Cumberland D. Williams, George Williams, Nathan-
iel Williams, Philip Wallace, E. Hinkley, John Gibson and
F, Gourdon, and their associates and assigns, be, and they are
hereby created a corporation and body politic, by the name
and style of the Tlal-co-tal Mining Company of Baltimore,
and by that name have succession, and shall be able and ca-
pable in law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
answer and be answered, in any court of equity or law, and to
make and use a common seal, and the same to alter and
change at their pleasure, and to ordain and establish such by-
laws and regulations as shall be necessary or convenient for
CHAP. 174
SEC, 4. And be it enacted, That there shall be a meeting
of the stockholders of the company on the first Monday of
July, annually, or within ten days thereafter, to be, called by
the directions for the time being, for the purpose of electing
seven directors, who shall be elected by ballot, in person or
by proxy, and each share shall entitle the holder thereof to
one vote; other meetings of the stockholders may be held
when called by the directors, or by any number of stockhol-
Annual election of