the extension of the charters of the several bapks of the city
of Baltimore, and for other purposes, and its several supple-
ments, is hereby assigned and appropriated for the encourage
ment and support of public instruction, and placed under the
direction and control of the commissioners of Primary schools
for said county, and the treasurer of the Western Shore is
hereby authorised and directed, to place in the Farmers' bank
of Maryland to the credit of the commissioners of primary-
schools aforesaid, the dividends or profits arising on the
school fund already invested, and also all monies which from
time to time may hereafter he received into the treasury be-
longing to the school fund of said county,
CHAP. 173
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the commissioners of pri-
mary schools of Anne Arundel county be, and they are here-
by authorised and directed to apportion equally among the
school districts in said county, the dividends or profits aris-
ing on the school fund already invested, also all the monies
which may accrue and become payable to said county in vir-
tue of the aforesaid act, to incorporate a company to make a
turnpike road leading to Cumberland, and for the extension
of the charters of the several banks of the city of Baltimore
and for other purposes, and its several supplements, and all
other monies which may hereafter be appropriated for the sup-
port of primary schools in said county; and so soon as the in-
habitants of any school district in said county shall have built
or otherwise procured a school hoase, and employed a teacher
in said district six months, and as soon as such fact shall be
certified to the said commissioners of primary schools in
writing by the trustees of said district, to draw or check on
Commissioners to
apportion fund
the Farmers' Bank of Maryland in favor of the said trustees,
for the full proportion of the dividends to which such district
may be entitled, to be applied by the said trustees towards the
payment of the salaries of the teachers in said district; and in
case the inhabitants of any school district in said county shall
Authorised so pay-
over, &c
neglect or refuse to build or otherwise procure a school house
in said district, and employ a teacher as aforesaid, for two
years from the passage of this act, then and in such case the
commissioners of primary schools of said county are hereby
required to divide the amount directed to be by them appor-
tioned as aforesaid, among such school districts equally, as
Forfeit for refusing:
to build for 2 year
shall have complied with the provisions of this act: Provided,
That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any
school district that may at any time hereafter build, or other-
wise procure a school house, and employ a teacher, from be-
ing entitled to their fall proportion of the dividends arising
from said funds, from and after the time such districts may
comply with the provisions of this act,
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
trustees of the several school districts in Anne Arundel coun-
ty, and they are hereby required, to report to the commission-
ers of primary schools of said county, on the third Monday of
December, in each and every year, a full and correct state-
ment of their proceedings, and also the number of pupils edu-
Trustees to report