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under seal or otherwise, to individuals, copies or extracts of
any papers dr records in their office, (of which copies or ex-
tracts may by law be required, or by their permission grant-
ed,) and the said clerk shall be entitled to demand and receive
for such copies and extracts, and for affixing the seal thereto,
the same fee or charge as the clerk of Baltimore county court
is now by law entitled to demand, and receive for like ser-
vices; which fee or charge shall be paid at the time the
respective service is rendered, by the person or persons re-
quiring the same.
may hold sessions
at any time
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of Balti-
more county, shall be, and they are hereby authorised to hold
their sessions at any time, in their discretion, throughout the
year, and may perform any portion of their duties at any such
session, including in such duties the allowance of transfers of
property, and notwithstanding an act or part of any act of As-
sembly to the contrary
Previous act of
comminioner con-
SEC, 11. And be it enacted, That all the acts and proceed-
ings of the commissioners of Baltimore county, relative to
the business and concerns of the said county, and all levies,
all bonds taken, all contracts entered into, and all expendi-
tures authorised by them heretofore, shall be held effectual,
valid and binding,
Passed March 3,
An act to open Freedom Alley from Franklin Street, Hagers-
town to Harrystown.
name and au-
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ry land, That George J. Harry, Philip Wingert and Peter
Gloninger are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out,
open and establish an alley, twenty feet in width, to be called
Freedom alley, to run from Franklin street, in Hagerstown,
northward, on the line between Henry Creager and Andrew
Swart, the length of their lots, thence through Michael Bow-
art's lots until it intersects small strip of land belonging to
the heirs of John Julius, deceased, then across said Und to
Return plat
intersect the road leading from Hagerstown to Canetown,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners afore-
said shall return a plat of the said alley, under their hands
and seals, to the county clerk's office of Washington county, to
be there recorded; and the said alley shall forever thereafter be
considered a public alley, and be placed under the control and
direction of the commissioners of Hagerstown as other public
Assess damages—
alleys are
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid
shall, before they proceed to open the said alley, assess the
damages that may be done to the heirs of John Julius, de-
ceased, by opening the same, and shall have sufficent evi-
dence that the same has been paid by the persons who have
petitioned lor opening the said alley, to the guardian or guar-