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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any and every expense
which has accrued or been occasioned, or may hereafter ac-
crue or be occasioned in the administration of justice in the -
orphans' court of Baltimore county, and which was heretofore
a joint charge upon the city and county of Baltimore, shall
hereafter be ascertained and certified by the said court, to the
commissioners of Baltimore county, and to the mayor and
city council of Baltimore, in such manner, that the propor-
tions properly chargeable to the said county and city respec-
tively, having regard to the quantity of business transacted
therein for the said county and city, shall appear, and which
shall He borne and paid accordingly.

CHAP. 167

Of orphans court

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That any and every expense
which has accrued or been occasioned, or may hereafter ac-
crue or he occasioned, for the maintenance of prisoners in and
about the jail of Baltimore county, for compensation to the
warden, his assistants, and others necessarily employed for
the care and custody of prisoners, and all incidental ex-
penses lawfully incurred by the visiters and governors of the
said jail, shall hereafter be ascertained and certified by the
said visiters and governors to the commissioners of Baltimore
county, and to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, in
such manner that the proportions properly .chargeable to the
said county and city respectively, having regard to the num-
ber of persons, and the expense of keeping the same, which
shall have been sent from the county and city shall appear,and
which shall be borne and paid accordingly; but the repairs to
the jail shall be paid in equal proportions by the city and coun-
ty respectively.

Of Jail

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That until otherwise provided
by law, the keeper of the court house and, lot, shall be ap-
pointed by the commissioners of Baltimore county, and his
compensation be established by them; and any regulations re-
quired for the preservation of the court house, and premises,
or of the police thereof, shall be prescribed by the said com-
missioners; and the allowances to the said keeper, and the
repairs of the court house and premises, shall be paid and
borne in equal proportions by the city andcounty respectively.

Keeper of court

SEC, 8. And be it enacted, That the bond of the treasurer
of Baltimore; county, required of him by the act to which this
is a supplement, shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of
Baltimore, county court; and all bonds of collectors and con-
stables, retired by the commissioners of Baltimore county
to be entered into, shall be recorded, in books to be provided
for that purpose, in the office of Mid, commissioners; for the
recording of which bonds the clerk to the said commissioners
shall be paid the fees heretofore chargeable by the clerk of
Baltimore county court for like services; and attested copies
of all the aforesaid bonds, under seal; shall be as good evi-
dence in law for all purposes in courts or elsewhere, as if the

Bond of county

original bonds were actually produced and proved.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
clerk to the commissioners of Baltimore county to furnish

Clerk of commi-
sioners— copies-

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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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