xiians of the said heirs, or that the same has been paid into
the orphans' court for their use.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in case of the death, re-
moval or refusal to serve of any of the commissioners afore-
said, the vacancy shall be filled up by the moderator and com-
missioners of Hagerstown,
CHAP. 169
An act for the relief of Washington Lucas, of Washington
Passed March 4,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Washington Lucas, a free man of colour, a native of Virginia,
be, and he is hereby authorised and permitted to remain in
the state of Maryland, any law to the contrary notwithstand-
ing, and that any penalties he may have incurred by coming
into this state to reside, be, and they are hereby declared to
be released.
Permission, grant-
An act to authorise the President, Managers and Company of
the Washington and Baltimore Turnpike Road, to construct a
a Rail Road from the city of Baltimore to the District of Co-
lumbia, in the direction of the city of Washington,
Passed March 8,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
iand, That the president and managers of the Washington and
.Baltimore turnpike road company, incorporated by an act of
Assembly, entitled, an act to incorporate a company to make
a turnpike road from the District of Columbia to the city of
Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised and required
to call a meeting of the stockholders of said company, at such
time and place as they may deem convenient, after giving at
least three weeks notice by advertisement published in two
of the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, for the purpose of
deciding whether the said company will increase its capital
stock in the manner provided by this act, to be applied to the
construction of a rail road from the city of Baltimore to the
District of Columbia, in the direction of the city of Washing-
ton; and if at such meeting the proprietors of the major part
of the stock of said company shall attend in person, or by
proxy, and decide that the capital stock of the said company
shall be increased for the purpose aforesaid, the president
and managers of the said company shall thereupon be author-
ised to proceed to receive subscriptions for stock, and to con-
struct the said rail road in the manner provided by this act;
and the proceedings at such meeting shall be recorded amongst
the minutes of the transactions of the said president and ma-
Meeting of stock-
holders to decide
upon increasing