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Session Laws, 1827 Session
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CHAP. 167

Passed March 3.


A supplement to the act entitled an act, to provide for electing
Commissioners for Baltimore County, and prescribing their
powers and duties, passed at December Session, eighteen
hunted and twenty -six, chapter two hundred and seventeen.

Property & funds
of Baltimore coun-
ty vested.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That all the property and funds of every kind, belong-
ing to, or in possession of Baltimore county, (comprehend-
ing therein the city of Baltimore,) or appropriated, or that
may hereafter be appropriated to the use or purpose of said
county, be, and the same is hereby vested in the commission-
ers of Baltimore countv, and the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, for the time being, in equal and undivided moie-

Poor house &c ex-

ties, as tenants in common: Provided, That nothing in this
section contained shall be construed to repeal, or otherwise
to interfere with the provisions of an act, entitled an act, to
incorporate the trustees for the poor of Baltimore city and
county, passed December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-two, chapter one hundred and sixty-seven.

Suits authorised
jointly of commis-
sioners of Balti-
more county, and
Mayor and City

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any suit or suits may
hereafter be instituted in the names of the commissioners of
Baltimore county, and the mayor and city council of Balti-
more, jointly, for the recovery of any property or claims be-
longing to the county and city jointly as aforesaid, or for
damages for any injury done to the said property; and indict-
ments may be maintained for any injury or nuisance done or
committed to suchproperty. stating the same to be the property
of the commissioners of Baltimore county, and the mayor and
city council of Baltimore.

Joint interests se-

SEC. 3. And be, it enacted, That all Tents, dividends or in-
terest, which have accrued, or may hereafter accrue, or be-
come payable from or out of the aforesaid property, or any
part thereof, shall belong to, and the same is hereby declared
to belong and be payable to the commissioners of Baltimore
county, and the mayor and city council of Baltimore, in equal
moieties. for the use of the county, (exclusive of the city),
and of the city respectively; and the same may be recovered
by suit, action or otherwise, in the joint names of the said
commissioners of Baltimore county, and the mayor and city
council of Baltimore.

Joint expenses of
county court

SEC, 4. And be it, enacted, That any and every expense,
which has accrued or been occasioned, or which may hereafter
accrue or be occasioned, in the administration of justice in
Baltimore county court, and which was heretofore a joint
charge upon the city and county of Baltimore, shall hereafter
be ascertained and certified by the said court to the commis-
sioners of Baltimore county, and to the mayor and city coun-
cil of Baltimore in such manner, that the proportions proper-
ly chargeable to the said county and city respectively, having
regard to the quantity of business transacted therein for the
said county and city, shall appear, and which shall be borne
and paid accordingly .


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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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