CHAP. 162
any wharf or wharves, belonging to the said mayor and city
council, or any public wharf in the said city, other than the
wharves belonging to or rented by the state; and that part of
Pratt strert wharf heretofore reserved for the use of the citi-
zens of this state, any thing in any former act of Assembly to
the contrary notwithstanding.
Acts inconsistent
herewith repealed
SEC, 5 And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts, in-
consistent with, or repugnant to the provisions of this act,
be and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed March 12.
An act for the relief of sundry poor persons in the several
counties therein mentioned
Levy authorised.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the levy courts of Kent, Montgomery, Prince
George's, Worcester, Caroline, Queen Ann's, Harford, Anne
Arundel, Cecil, Baltimore, Talbot and Frederick counties,
be, and they are hereby severally authorised, directed and
empowered at their annual meeting, so long as they shall see
cause so to do, to assess and levy on the assessable property
of said counties, for the use of the several persons hereinafter
mentioned, any sum of money not exceeding the several sums
Kent county
annexed to their respective names, viz: in Kent county, for
Rebecca Davis thirty dollars, for Hester Ann Davis thirty
dollars, for Samuel M. Cloak thirty dollars, for Mary Miller
twenty dollars, for Charlotte Willis thirty dollars, tor Eliza-
beth Fowler thirty dollars, for David M'Kenny twenty-five
dollars, to be paid to Samuel G. Osborn, as trustee for the
benefit of the said David M'Kenny,' for John Start, forthe
support of the orphan child of William Start forty dollars for
the present year, and twenty dollars for each year thereafter,
for Margaret Edwards twenty-five dollars, for Edward Beck,
Rachael his wife, and their daughter Matilda fifty dollars, for
Sarah Able twenty dollars, for Tamisen Clow twenty dollars,
for Mary Parsons thirty dollars, for Alexander Wheat twen-
ty-five dollars; in Montgomery county, for Henry Cyrus, to
be paid to William Wilson of John, as trustee for his benefit,
twenty dollars; for Michael Alien, twenty dollars, to be
paid to Henry Harding, as trustee for his benefit for Elea-
nor Ward thirty dollars; for Francis O. Gettings, for the use of
Tabitha Settings, twenty dollars; for Sophia Thompson, thirty
dollars for Francis O, Gettings, use of Henry Gettings, the sum
now allowed by law for said Henry Gettiogs; for John Roher
thirty dollars for James Walker, for the use of his infant grand
children, forty dollars; for Margaret Waters thirty dollars.
P. Georges
for Mary Watkins thirty dollars, in Prince George's county,
for John Alien and Vterdinda his wife, each twenty dollars, for
Sarah Adams aud her children forty dollars; for Mary Gray
twenty dollars, for Edward Dixon, for the use of his infant
grandson George Lacham, twenty dollars; for Abraham. Van-