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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)
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to the State of Maryland in the penalty of five thousand dol-
lars, current money, with two securities, to be approved by
the Governor and Council, conditioned for the faithful and
impartial discharge of the duties of State Wharfinger in the
city of Baltimore, according to law; and he shall also take an
oath or affirmation before some justice of the peace of this
state, to be endorsed on said bond, that he will to the best of
his skill and judgment, faithfully, honestly and impartially
perform his duty as state wharfinger, which bond and oath
shall be filed by the clerk of the Council, among the public
documents and papers in his charge, a copy of which bond and
oath, certified under the hand of the said clerk, shall be evi-
dence of the execution and approval thereof, and shall be
.good evidence in any coutt of law or equity in this state.

CHAP. 162

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of each
of the state wharfingers so appointed, and he is hereby autho-
rised to take charge of the wharves which he may be directed
and authorised to take charge of, belonging to or rented by the
state, within the city of Baltimore, and that part of the public
wharf on Pratt street, reserved to the use of the citizens of
this state, and to charge and collect from all vessels and per-
sons resorting to, or using any of the saidwharves, as he may
have charge of, except that part of the public wharf on Pratt
street, reserved to the citizens of this state, the same rates of
wharfage as now are authorised by any law or ordinance with
in the said citv, or hereafter shall be established or regulated by
the mayor and city council of Baltimore, and he shall be vested
with the same powers in regard to the care of the said wharves,
or such part thereof as may be under his care and direction; and
the regulating of vessels and persons resorting to and using them
and the collection of wharfage, as any harbor master cr other
officer within the city of Baltimore; and it shall be the duty of
each of the said wharfingers to deposit monthly in such banks
as the Governor and Council shall designate, four fifth parts
of the amount of all monies which he shall collect from time
to time for wharfage, to the credit of the treasurer for the
Western Shore, retaining the other one fifth part as a compen-
sation allowed him for the collection thereof; and he shall
half yearly, on the first day of May and November in each
year, render upon oath or affirmation, as the case may be, to
the said treasurer, an account of all monies collected by him
for wharfage during the preceding half year; and the said
wharfinger shall take care of and preserve from injury all the
wharves placed under his direction, belonging to or rented by,
or for the state, and he shall have all necessary control of the
said wharves for that purpose.

Duties and powers
prescribed— com-

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and city coun-
cil of Baltimore, shall be, and they are hereby empowered
and authorised to regulate, establish, charge and collect, to
the use of the said mayor and city council, such rate of wharf-
age as they may think reasonable, of and from all vessels re-
sorting to or lying at, landing, depositing, or transporting
goods, or articles other than the productions of this state, on

Powers granted to
the mayor &c city

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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)
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