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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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That the said wolf or panther was taken or wounded, and
killed within the limits of Allegany county, within sis days
next before the production of said head before the said jus-
tice, and the said justice shall, thereupon, give to the person
producing it a certificate, that such head was produced before
him ; wherein he shall set forth the above mentioned oath or
affirmation, taken before him at the time of its production;
and if it be a wolf's head, it shall be the duty of said justice,
to determine whether said wolf was at the time of its destruc-
tion, above or under the age of six months: and if above the
age of six months, to also state in his certificate, that the head
produced was the head of an old wolf, or if under the age of
six months, that it was the head of a young wolf; and it shall
also be the duty of said justice at the time of giving such cer-
tificate, to cut off the ears and cut out the tongue from any
such head so as to prevent any second allowance therefor

CHAP, 112

Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That upon the production of any
such certificate, the justices of the levy court of Allegany
county, shall be, and they are hereby authorised and required
to levy upon the assessable property of said county, together
wiih, and at thr time of making the county levy the above
mentioned allowance of fifteen dollars for every old wolf, six
dollars for eve:ry young wolf,and five-dollars for every panther,
for tile use of the person producing the same, together with
the collectors commission for collecting the same; and that
it shall be the duty of the collector of said county, in whose
hands the said levy may be placed, to levy and pay over the
same to the person entitled, in the same manner as other pub-
lic dues are collected and paid over; and the party entitled
shall have the same remedy for the recovery of the same,
which is given by law for the recovery of other county allow-

Levy and pay-

SEC. 4. And be tt enacted, That from and after the passage
of this act, it shall and may be lawful for every inhabitant of
Allegany county, to enter upon or pass over or through, or to
set traps upon any unenclosed or timbered land, or lands not
actually in a state of cultivation, within said county, for the
purpose of pursuing, taking,huntmg,tra-pping or destroying any
wolves, panthers, bears, or other wild noxious animals in said
County, without the consent of the owner or possessor of such
lands, and that if any person so entering upon or passing over
or through, or setting traps upon any such lands in said coun-
ty, for the purpose of taking, hunting, trapping or destroying
such animals, shall do any injury or damage to said lands, ex-
cept what may be necessary or necessarily results from taking,
hunting, trapping, pursuing or destroying any such animals,
the owner of possessor of any such lands, may recover in a
special action upon the cast, all such damages as he may have
sustained by the unnecessary or improper use of said right.

Right to trap or
hunt on unenclos-
ed land— damage
for injury

SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That all such acts or parts of
acts of Assembly, as are repugnant to, or in any way incon-
sistent With this act. be? and the same art: hereby repealed,

Acts inconsistent

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Session Laws, 1827 Session
Volume 474, Page 125   View pdf image (33K)
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