CHAP. 111.
to disburse and pay the same to the said mayor and city coun-
cil, shall he wholly and exclusively applied in deepening and
improving the harbor of The said city; and it shall be the duty
of the said mayor and city council to report annually to the.
Legislature, on or before the first day of January, a fair and
distinct account of their disbursements and proceedings in
relation to the improvement of said harbor.
State right reserv-
Sec. 23. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in this
att, shall be construed so as in any manner to give an uncon-
tributed right to the corporate authorities of Baltimore, to any
sum or sums of money hereby given or granted, but the said
sum or sums of money shall be subject to any future disposi-
tion of the Legislature,
Operations com-
mence 1st April.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That the operation of this act,
shall commence and take effect on the first day of April nest,
and that nothing herein contained, shall affect the rights of
Previous licenses
any auctioneer or auctioneers, who may before the passage of
this act, have taken a license from the mayor of the city of
Baltimore, and paid for the same to the said mayor, but that
such license shall remain in force until the expiration thereof:
Provided, however , and it shall be the duty of the mayor and
Mayor & C. coun-
cil to account quar
terly therefor,
city council, to account with the treasurer of the Western
Shore for the avails of duties accruing in virtue of such li-
cense or commission after the first day of April next, and if
the same shall exceed the appropriation of this act, for deepen-
ing and improving the harbor of the said city, to pay the ex-
cess within ten days after the first day of July next, and so
in succession alter the end of each and every quarter, during
the existence of &uch license or licenses, commission or com-
Passed March 3,
An act for the destruction of Wolves, Bears, Panthers and other
noxious animals in Allegany County.
Reward for kill-
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the passage of this act, every per-
son who is an actual resident of Allegany county, who shall
kill or destroy any Wolf or panther within the limits of Alle-
gany county, shall be entitled to an allowance from said coun-
ty of fifteen dollars for every wolf beyond the age of six
months, at the time of its destruction, so killed or destroyed,
of stx dollars for every wolf under the age of six months at
the time of its destruction, and of five dollars for every pan-
ther, so killed or destroyed.
Proceedings di-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in order to the obtention
of said allowance, it shall be necessary for the person so kill-
ing or destroying any panther or wolf, within the limits of
Allegany county, to produce the head of the same, before
some justice of the peace, for said county; and at the time of
producing the head of the same, to make oath or affirmation;