CHAP. 113
Passed March 4
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the erection of a
new goal in Hagerstown, Washington county.
Levy $1000 an-
nually to pay.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of 'ary-
land, That the levy court of Washington county be, and they
art; hereby authorised and required, to levy and assess on the
assessable property of said county the sum of one thousand
dollars, at their next annual "session, which after the passage
of this act they shall hold for the purpose of laying the county
levy, or in their discretion in two equal annual instalments
in the present and succeeding year, the same to be collected
by the collector of said county, which shall be paid to the
commissioners of the new goal, to be by them applied to the
extinguishment of the debts created in and about the erection
of the said goal.
Balance disposed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That any part of the money
aforesaid which may remain unexpended in the hands of the
commissioners aforesaid, upon a final settlement, shall be by
them transferred and paid over to the said levy court, to and
for the use of the county aforesaid.
Passed March
, An act to facilitate the collection of taxes levied on the lands of
non-residents in Calvert county.
Collector may sell
timber to pay tax-
es— certificate.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for the collector or deputy collectors of the tax
for Calvert county, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to sell and dispose of, at public sale, after first giving
sixty days notice in the National Intelligencer, and by ad-
vertisements set up at three of the most public places in the
neighborhood adjoining or nearest to the lands on which the
taxes are due, of the time and place of holding said sale, a
sufficient quantity of timber in one parcel, growing on the
same acre or contiguous acres of the land, suitable for cord
wood or Ience rails, to satisfy and pay all taxes that may now
be due or hereafter be levied on the lands in Calvert county
belonging to any person or persons not residing in said coun-
ty, wnere there is no personal property on said lands for the
payment of said taxes, and the said collector or his deputy,
at the time of making said sale, shall grant a certificate under
his hand and seal, verified by affidavit, to the purchaser or
purchasers, stating the quantity of timber for cord wood or
fence rails sold by him in virtue of this act, and shall also
make a like return to the levy court of Calvert county at their
nest meeting, to be by them recorded among their proceed-
ings: Provided, That where there shall be neither, person-
al property or timber on said lands the method already