CHAP. 111
ments, servants and slaves, carriages and horses, books, sta-
tionary, maps and pruts, shall be entitled to demand or receive
unless there shall be a previous agreement to the contrary,
from any person directly or indirectly, for his services, a com-
mission exceeding four dollars, clear of all duties, for every
hundred dollars of the purchase money arising from such sale,
and that no auctioneer licensed generally for the selling of
any goods, wares and merchandise, shall be entitled to de-
mand or receive, unless there be a previous agreement to the
contrary, from any person or persons, directly or indirectly, a
2 per cent for gen-
eral articles.
commission exceeding two dollars, clear of all duties, for ev-
ery hundred dollars arising from sales made by him, except
upon sales of furniture and wearing apparel, upon which they
shall be entitled to receive four dollars, clear of all duties, for
every hundred dollars arising from such sales; and except also
upon sales of books, stationary, maps and prints, upon
which they shall be entitled to receive seven dollars and fifty
cents, clear of duties, for every hundred dollars arising from
such sales; and every auctioneer who shall receive or accept
Penalty for charg-
ing more.
any greater or higher reward for his services than is authoris-
ed by this act, shall forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars for
every offence, to be recovered in the name of the state, by
action of debt, or by indictment in a court of competent juris-
diction, one moiety of said penalty vhen recovered, to be for
the use of the state, and the other moietv for the use of the
party prosecuting for the same.
Agents prohibited
—places stipulated
— penalty lor viola-
SEC, 14, And be h enacted, That no auctioneer licensed un-
der this act, shall authorise or permit any person whatever
to sell any property of any description, under or by virtue of
his license, except the person so authorised or pernsitted, is
actually and bona fide in the employment of such auctioneer,
and the commissions on such sales are actually and bona fide
for the benefit of such auctioneer, and no licensee granted un-
der this act, shall be construed to authorise the person hold-
ing such a license, to sell at more than one regular establish-
ment : Provided, That no part of this provision shall be con-
strued to prevent such licensed -auctioneer from selling pub-
lic stocks, houses, lots and furniture, or ships or vessels on
the premises where the same may be, or at the exchange; and
every auctioneer offending against the provisions of this sec-
tion, shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars for each and every
offence, to he recovered for the use of the party prosecuting
for the same, before any justice of the peace in the city of
Baltimore, in like manner na small debts are recovered.
Securities dying
removing, &c. must
be replaced-other-
wise license revok-
SEC. 15, And be it enacted, That in case any security or securi-
ties in any recognizance entered into by any auctioneer under
this act shall die, remove from this state, or become insolvent,
the treasurer of the Western Shore shall demand other secu-
rity or securities in his, her or their place; and in case of ne-
gleet or relusal to give such other surety or sureties, within
three days after such demand is made, the license of such
auctioneer shall from thenceforth be null and void, to all in-
tents and purposes, as if the same had never been granted