sent, or sold by order or decree of any court, or taken in exe-
cution, effects of any bankrupt, or insolvent debtor, transferred
or conveyed, to assignees by a general assignment for the be-
nefit of all his creditors, utensils of husbandry, and all articles
of the growth or produce of this state, shall in no wise be sub-
ject to, but are hereby exempted and declared free from the
duty aforesaid, and may be sold by any person in any part of
this state.
CHAP. 111
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That every auctioneer in said
city shall designate in writing, his partner or partners, if any
are engaged with him in his said business, and the houses or
stores occupied by him for the transaction of auction business,
which said writing shall be deposited by such auctioneer with
the treasurer of the Western Shore; and if any auctioneer in
said city shall enter upon the execution of his office or shall
permit any person to act in his behalf, without designating his
said house or store, or his said partner or partners, if any, in
Partners and stand
to be designated,
the manner and form herein prescribed, he shall be deemed
guilty of misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined in a
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars; and it shall be the
duty of the court before whom such conviction is had, to
transmit forthwith a particular report thereof to the Governor
and Council of this state, who, are hereby authorised in their
Penalty for neglect
discretion, to inhibit the person so convicted from acting as
auctioneer during their pleasure; Provided always, That the
mayor oi the said city shall be, and hereby is authorised to
designate the place or places for the sale of horses and car-
riages, as to him shall seem proper and expedient, and that
he shall also have authority, and he is hereby authorised to
make such regulations in respect to the time and manner of
selling horses and carnages at auction, and to direct the man-
Mayor & C. coun-
cil to designate
place for sale of
bones & carriages
ner of riding and driving such horses and carriages, as he shall
deem best calculated to promote the public convenience, and
protect the persons of individuals from, danger.
And regulate such
Sec, 12. And be it enacted, That every auctioneer appoint-
ed and licensed under this act, for the sale of liorses at auc-
tion, shall keep a registry of all horses that shall or may be
sold by him as such auctioneer, specifying the description of
every horse so sold, the sum of money for which he shall have
been sold, and also the name and residence of the seller and
purchaser, which registry shall at the end of each and every
year, be by him deposited for safe keeping with the clerk of
Baltimore City Court, with the oath or affirmation thereto
annexed of such auctioneer or auctioneers of the truth thereof.
Register of horses
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That no auctioneer specially
licensed tor selling books, maps or prints, under this act, shall
be entitled to demand or receive, without a previous agree-
ment to the contrary, from any person directly or indirectly,
for his services, a commission not exceeding seven dollars
and fifty cents for every one hundred dollars of the purchase
money arising from such sales, exclusive of all duties; and that
na auctioneer specially licensed as aforesaid, for selling fur-
niture and wearing apparel, lands, lots of ground, and tene-
Limit 7 1/4 per cent
commission for sel-
ling books &c