CHAP. 111
Penalty for setting
without appoiui-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
not appointed and authorised in the manner by this act di-
rected, nor by or under the authority of the United States,
shall sell, or attempt to sell any goods, wares, merchandizes
or effects whatsoever, liable to duty under this act, by way of
public auction or vendue, in the city of Baltimore, he shall be
considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subject to pre-
sentment and trial by indictment, and shall on conviction, be
fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or impri-
soned for a term not exceeding three months, or both at the
discretion of the court, before whom such conviction shall
take place.
Auctioner to bond
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That no person so to be ap-
pointed an auctioneer by virtue of this act, except as hereinaf-
ter provided, shall enter upon the execution of his office, un-
til he shall have entered into a recognizance to this state, with
two sufficient sureties in the sum of thirty thousand dollars,
conditioned for the payment of the duties hereinbefore men-
tioned, to the treasurer of the .Western Shore, and for the pay-
ment and satisfaction of all just claims, that may be against
him as aucttoneer, and also that he shall in all things, well,
truly and faithfully behave, and conform himself according to
the true intent and meaning of this act; and until he shall al-
Pay $750 for li-
so first have paid to the treasurer of the Western Shore, the
sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars as a license fee, which
recognisance shall be taken by the clerk of Baltimore county
court, and duplicates shall be made of the record of every
such recognizance by the said clerk, one whereof shall be de-
livered or cause to be delivered by such auctioneer, within
ten days after the date of such record, to the said treasurer,
and the other shall be retained by the said, clerk, who shall be
entitled to demand tor the same, from the auctioneer, one dol-
lar, and every auctioneer who shall sell any goods, wares,
merchandizes or effects, liable to duty under this act, by way
of public auction, without having entertd into recognizance
Penalty for selling
without license or
under this act, and also hating paid the license fee required
by this at t, shall forfeit the sum oi fifty dollars, for each and
every article exposed to sale, to be recovered by any person
suing for the same, before any justice of the peace of the city
of Baltimore.
Auctioneer cf
Books &c recog-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any of the persons ap-
pointed by the Governor und Council as aforesaid, shall be
desirous of pursuing the business of an auctioneer, for the sole
purpose of selling books, maps or prints, he shall be entitled
so to do by first entering into a recognizance to this state,
with two sufficient sureties in the sum oi five thousand dol-
lars, with like condition with the recognizance mentioned in
the fourth section of this act, and also by first paying to the
said treasurer the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars as a
license fee, Which said recognizance shall be taken by the
same clerk, and his duties and compensation in relation there-
to, shall be the same as is provided in regard to the recogni-
zance mentioned in the said fourth section of this act.