tax for Prince George's county, be, and they are hereby au-
thorised and empowered to sell and dispose of at public sale,
having first given sixty days notice by public advertisement, set
up at the court house of said county / and four other of the most
public places in the county, and in the National Intelligencer
in the District of Columbia, of the time and placs of such
sale, a sufficient quantity of timber in one parcel, growing on
the same acre or contiguous acres of the land, suitable for
cord wood or fence rails, to satisfy and pay all taxes due, or
which may hereafter become due on lands belonging to per-
sons who do not reside in said county, and the said collector,
al the time of such sale, shall give a certificate to the purchas-
er or purchasers of such timber, of such sale, stating the quan-
tity and quality of such timber so sold, and shall also make
return to the levy court of the county, at their next meeting,
CHAP. 110
which return shall be recorded among their proceedings.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or persons
purchasing any timber sold by virture of this act, shall at any
time within twelve months from the day of sale, having full
power and authority to enter upon the lands upon which the
timber has been sold as aforesaid, and cut down and carry
away the quantity of timber purchased, by him or them as
Purchaser author
ised to cut and
carry away the
aforesaid; Provided, always, That the person or persons
purchasing any timber as aforesaid, shall give to the collector
selling the same, ten days notice of the time of his, her or their
intending to carry off the quantity of timber purchased of the
said collector, and it shall be the duty of the said collector or
his deputy, to attend at the time appointed, and to demand
from the said purchaser or purchasers, a receipt for the amount
of timber so purchased, cut and carried off under the autho-
rity of this act.
An Act to regulate Sales by Public Auction.
Passed March 4,
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That all goods, wares, merchandizes and effects
whatsoever, which shall at, any time, from and after the first
day of April next, be exposed to sale, at public auction or
vendue, within the city of Baltimore, by any auctioneer or
other person, duly authorised or appointed as is hereinafter
directed, and shall be struck off to the highest bidder, shall
be subjected to a duty of one dollar for every hundred dol-
lars, of the value for which the same shall be sold, and after
the same tate, for any greater or less sum, to be paid by the
person who shall sell the same.
Duty 1 per cent on
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Governor and Coun-
cil shall, annually appoint so many persons within the city of
Baltimore to be auctioneers, as they shall judge proper: Pro-
vided, That the number to be appointed, shall not exceed at
any one time twenty
Executive appoint