Sec. 6, And be it enacted, That if any of the persons so to
be appointed as aforesaid, shall be desirous of pursuing the
business of an auctioneer of furniture, and wearing apparel,
lands, lots of ground and tenements, servants and slaves, car-
riages and horses, books, stationary, maps and prints, he
shall be authorised so to do by day light only upon his first
entering into like recognizance as is before provided in other
cases, and in like manner with two sufficient sureties, in the
sum of five thousand dollars, and upon his also first paying
to the treasurer of the Western shore, the sum of three hun-
dred dollars as a license fee; and that if any of the said persons
so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall be desirous of pursuing
CHAP, 111
Auctioneer of fur-
niture, wearing ap-
parrel, lands, slav-
es, &c.—recogni-
zance— $300 for
license .
the business of an auctioneer for the sole purpose of vending
horses and carriages, he shall be authorised so to do upon his
first entering into a like recognizance, as is before provided
in other cases and in like manner, in the sum of one thousand
dollars; and upon his also first paying to the said treasurer of
the Western Shore the sum of fifty dollars, as a license ice.
Horses tad carria-
SEC, 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be, and is hereby
made the duty of the said treasurer of the Western Shore, up-
on his being satisfied that the recognizance required by this
act, has been entered into by any of the persons appointed auc-
tioneers by the Governor and Council, and upon his receiv-
ing the license fee required by this act from such person, to
issue a general or special license to such person, as such li-
cense fee may entitle such person to receive under this act,
to act as a general or special auctioneer, as the case may be,
for the term of one year from the date of his said appoint-
Treasurer to issue
licenses for year
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That every auctioneer duly ap-
pointed and authorised by virtue of this act, in and for the city
of Baltimore, who shall sell any goods, wares, merchandizes
or effects, liable to duty under this act as aforesaid, at public
auction or vendue, shall within twenty days after the first days
of January and July, of the year for which he shall have been
appointed, render to one of the judges oi the city court a true
and particular account in writing, of the monies or sums for
which any goods, wares, merchandizes pr effects, shall have
been sold at every sale at auction, by him made from the time
of his entering into the recognisance aforesaid, or the time
that the last account was rendered by him, in conformity to
this act, of the amount of each days sale, and the days when
the same were respectively sold, distinguishing the sale's
made by himself personally, or in his presence, and those
made by his partner or partners, or clerks, in consequence of
his absence, setting forth also the amount of sales of all goods,
wares, merchandizes and effects as aforesaid sent, or entrust-
ed to him, his partner or partners for sale, and by him or
them sold at auction, and the days on which the same were
sold, and particularising the amounts of the several duties
chargeable on the said sales at auction, and shall thereupon
take before the said judgt, the following oath or affirmation,
Auctioneer to ac-
count half yearly,
as the case may require. I —— do solemnly and sincerely