pany shall have power to make a seat, and alter, and break,
and renew the same according to their will and pleasure.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the sum so subscribed
shall be paid to the president and managers elected agreeably
to this act, in the manner following, to wit; one fifth part
thereof, (including the one dollat paid to the commissioners
at the time of subscribing) at the and of one month after the
election of the managers, and the remainder in such sums
and at such times and places as the president and board of
managers shall appoint, they giving at least thirty days notice
of the payments so required in the newspapers aforesaid.
CHAP. 108
Payment of sub-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the managers first sleeted
as aforesaid, shall hold their seats until the first Monday
which shall happen in the month of November next following
the election to be made, agreeably to the mode prescribed as
aforesaid, and upon the first Monday of November in each
and every year thereafter,there shall be a new election for
eight managers, who shall, on the second Monday of No-
vember, proceed to elect their president, and the president
and managers, thus annually elected, shall have fall power and
authority to make, alter or repeal bylaws, for their govern-
ment; Provided always, That they are not inconsistent with
or repugnant to this act and the laws of this state.
Annual ciation of
officers— by-laws.
SEC. 7 And be it enacted, That the president and mana-
gers, in locating and laying out the said road, shall be, and
are hereby required, to run the same in as straight a line as
the nature of the grounds will admit of, from the said Cono-
wingo bridge to the Delaware line, in a direction towards
Locate Road.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted That said company shall be, and
are hereby invested and clothed with all the privileges, rights,
immunities and advantages which are held and possessed by
the turnpike company incorporated by an act passed at No-
vember session eighteen hundred and nine, entitled, an act to
incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from near
Ellicot's lower mills towards Georgetown, in the District of
Columbia; to be governed by the same regulations as are
therein prescribed, and be entitled to the same tolls, and every
clause and provision of the said act relative to the road there-
in proposed to be made, so far as the same are applicable, and
Privileges grant-
not inconsistent with this act: Provided always, That the
said president, managers and company shall cause twenty-
four feet of said road to be bedded with stone or gravel, or any
other hard substance, well compacted together, at least eigh-
teen inches deep in the centre and not less than twelve inches
at its sides.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That any corporate body of the
state of Maryland, other than the banking institutions, and
that the government of the United States be, and they are
hereby authorised to subscribe and take any number of shares
U. States, &c. au-
thorised to take
of the stock of the said company; Provided always, That no
person or bodies politic shall be entitled to more than twenty-
five votes upon all the shares they may hold.