CHAP, 101
SEC. 2, And be It enacted, That the said levy court shall
be, and they are hereby authorised to sell the said parcel of
land, on a credit of one, two and three years, to be equally di-
vided into three annual instalments, the purchaser or pur-
chasers giving bond, on interest from the day of sale, with
security to be approved by the said court, for the payment of
the purchase money; and when the said purchase money shall
have been fully paid and satisfied to the said levy court, they
are hereby authorised and empowered to give a good and
sufficient deed of bargain and sale to the said purchaser Or
Apply proceeds
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said levy court be, and
they and hereby authorised and required, to appropriate the
purchase money, when received, to the benefit of the said
county of Caroline, in defraying her county charges.
Passed March 1.
An act for the benefit of Maria Seth, of Queen Ann's County.
Administrators to
pay the widow er
proportion of a
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Thomas Thomas, administrator of William Ste-
vens, late of Queen Ann's county, deceased, be, and he is
hereby authorised to pay to Maria Seth, widow of William
Seth, late of Queen Ann's county, such part of a certain bond
drawn by the said William Steven's, and secured by James
Roe and James Baynard, to William G. Seth, minor and son
of William Seth, deceased, as the court of Queen Ann'a coun-
ty, did on the fourteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and
twenty-five, adjudge to be the right and equitable part of the
Right of Dower
barred thereup-
said widow, in and to the said bond, and her receipts shall be
a full and lawful discharge for so much of the said bond;
and shall forever bar the said widow from any right of dower
in the lands, for the purchase of which this bond was given.
Proportion due to
the minors.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That tre said Thomas Thomas,
be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered, to pay over
as soon as convenient to the orphans' court of Queen Ann's
county, the balance of the said bond, which shall be due to the
said minor, to be by the said orphans court paid over to the
guardian of the said minor, or otherwise disposed of as they
in their discretion may deem best calculated to promote the
interest of the said minor.
Passed March 1,
An act to Incorporate the Town, commonly called and known by
the name of The Trap, in Talbot County
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the citizens df the town, commonly called and