and other obstructions arising from any ancient wier or wiers
in Barren, Ruvastico, Quantico and Wetipquin creeks and
their several branches, and to levy the expenses thereof upon
the assessable property of the said county.
CHAP. 101
SEC. 2. And be h enacted, That it shall be the duty of each
and every person or persons, who shall hereafter set, or be
concerned in any wier or wiers, in the waters of the said
county, to remove the same, and, every part thereof, within
sixty days after the expiration of twelve months from the
setting of any such vvier or wiers.
Removal of weirs
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
shall violate the preceding section, the same shall be liable to
a ine of one hundred dollars, to be recovered with costs,
by indictment in the county court, one half thereof, when re-
ceived, to be for the benefit of the informer, and the other
half to the public treasury of the state, to be collected and
paid as other fines are collected and paid.
Penalty for neg-
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Caroline County to
make sale of part of the Pubhc Land in the village of Ben-
ton, in said County
Passed March 4
WHEREAS, The citizens of the village of Denton are at the
present, and have for a long time been laboring under great in-
convenience for the want of a public landing place, whereon
to erect a public wharf on which to build a granary or ware-
house, on the waters of the great Choptank river, adjoining
the said village, and whereas the northeasterly or water end of
frunt street, in said village, would be a convenient place tor
the purposes aforesaid; Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be. it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the levy court of Caroline county, be, and they are
. hereby authorised and empowered (after having given ten
days notice at the com t house door of Caroline county, and
at such other public places, as they judge most effectual,) to
sell and dispose of to the highest bidder, at public vendue, all
that part of the northeasterly or water end of front street, in
said village of Denton, which shall be found to lie within, or
is described by the following meets and bounds, viz: Begin-
ning for the outlines thereof, at the south west corner of lot
No, 8, of the said village, of Denton, as are expressed in the
general plot of the said village, filed among the records of
Caroline county court, reference thereunto being had, will
appear, and from thence run directly across said front street,
at right-angles, until it comes opposite the south east corner
of lot No. 1, of said village, then running by and with the said
lot No. 1, north easterly to Choptank river, then running up
said river to the aforesaid lot, No. 8, then with the same,
straight to the aforesaid place of beginning, containing one
fourth of an acre of land, be the same more or less.
Levy court author-
ised to sell N. E.
end of Front st.