An act to authorise and empower Frisby Henderson, James
Sewell and Enoch Cloud, of Cecil county , to sell and convey
the property therein mentioned.
CHAP, 98,
Passed Feb'ry 13
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly o f Ma-
ryland, That Frisby Henderson, James Sewell and Enoch
Cloud, and the survivor or survivors of them, be, and they
are hereby authorised to sell and convey to the purchaser or
purchasers thereof, all the lands and premises heretofore con-
veyed to them by a certain Joseph Bellican, late of Cecil coun-
ty, deceased, by deed bearing date the twenty-second day of
June, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and by their deed to
convey, transfer and assure to the purchaser or purchasers
thereof all the right and title which was heretofore vested in
said Joseph Bellican, as well as all or any right and title which
may be vested in the state of Maryland.
Sale und convey-
ance authorised,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Frisby Hender-
son, James Sewell and Enoch Cloud, or the survivor or sur-
vivors of them, shall, under the direction of the orphans'
court of Cecil county, apply the nett proceeds of said sale, in
the first place to the payment oi the debts mentioned or re-
ferred to in said deed from Joseph Bellican to them, in the
second place, after deducting such reasonable commissions
as said court shall allow to them, to any other debts the said
Joseph Bellican might have owed, and the residue, if any,
under the direction of said court, to the support and mainte-
Proceeds to be ap-
nance of such natural children of said Joseph Bellican as said
court shall direct: Provided, That nothing herein contaied
shall affect the rights of any creditor who shall, prior to the
distribution of the proceeds of said sale, file a bill of com-
plaint in the county court of Cecil, alledging said deed to be
fraudulent: And provided also, That distribution shall not be
made to any creditor under this law, unless his claim be first
exhibited to the orphans' court of cecil county, authenticated
by like voucher as is required by law in proving claims against
deceased personal estates, and be likewise passed and allowed
by said court.
An act to make good and valid a certain deed of mortgage
therein mentioned.
Passed Feb'ry 29
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this general assem-
bly by the petition of the heirs and representatives of John
Sprigg, late of Montgomery county, deceased, that a certain
Robert Lyles and Juliet his wife, on the fourteenth day of
October, in the year eighteen hundred and seventceen, sold
and conveyed to a certain Otho Sprigg, of Frederick county,
all the right, interest and estate, which they held in the real
estate of Thomas Sprigg, late of last said county, deceased,;