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the licence of the justices the levy court obtained as afore-
said, every such person or persons, being thereof convicted
in the county court, shall forfeit and pay a fine, in the discre-
tion of the court, not exceeding the sum of one hundred dol-
lars, according to the nature and degree of the offence.
Former acts re-
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this art, all and every act and acts of assembly, and
every clause and section thereof, which may respect the pub-
lic roads of Talbot county, be, and the same are hereby re-
pealed; Provided nevertheless , That nothing herein contained
shall be construed or taken to affect any private act or acts of
assembly granted upon the application of any particular in-
dividual, or to the act of assembly passed at October session,
in the year one thousand, seven hundred and fifty-three, en-
titled, an act for repairing the public roads in this province,
or any act or acts of assembly for building or repairing of any
bridge or bridges that are built or maintained at the public
or county charge.
Passed February 28
An act authorising the orphans' court of Cecil county to ap-
point a guardian to sell and convey the property of Allen
Orphans court em-
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the orphans' court of Cecil county shall be, and
they are hereby autorised to appoint a guardian for Allen
Wilson if they deem him, upon personal inspection, an
idiot, of said county.
Guardian directed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said guardian shall be
required to give bond and such security as may be required
of him by the said orphans' cuurt, after which he shall be au-
thorised and required to make sale or salt- s of all the property
of the said Alien Wilson, in such manner as may be directed
by the said orphans' court, for the use and benefit of the said
Alien Wilson, Provided nevertheless. That no sale shall be
made, unkss the said orphans' court shall deem such sale ne-
cessary and beneficial to the said idiot.
Deed authorised.
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, 1 hat the said guardian is here-
by authorised and empowered to make a deed or deeds of
conveyance in fee simple, which shall be as good and valid in
law as if the said Allen Wilson was not an idiot and had
made the deed or deeds of conveyance himself; and the pro-
ceeds of said sale shall on the death of said idiot, devolve on
such representative as the land would have descended to at his