SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Section 46 be and it is hereby added to Article 40 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition and 1965 Supplement),
title "General Assembly," subtitle "History of the General Assembly,"
to follow immediately after Section 45 thereof, and to read as follows:
(a) In each of the next jour fiscal years, the Governor shall include
in the budget each year, a sum not less than $15,000 for the writing,
printing, and publication of a history of the General Assembly.
(b) The writing, printing, and publication of this history shall be
under the general direction of the Board of Legislative History, to be
composed of five persons, as follows: the archivist and records admin-
istrator of the Hall of Records as chairman; the President of the Senate
of Maryland; the Speaker of the House of Delegates of Maryland;
and two professional historians from the staffs of colleges or universities
in the State of Maryland or the staff of the Maryland Historical Society,
to be designated by the first three named members.
(c) The Board of Legislative History shall supervise and direct the
writing, printing, and publication of the History of the General As-
sembly. It shall appoint a person or persons to be in general charge of
the day-to-day work, and it shall decide questions of scope and general
approach, formulate time schedules for completion of the various
stages of the ivork, and determine pertinent other matters of policy
with respect to the writing, printing, and publication of the history.
(d) At least once each year the Board shall report to the General
Assembly and to the Governor as to the progress of the history of the
General Assembly.
(e) At the time the writing, printing, and publication of the history
are completed, the Board shall be abolished. At that time any monies
or funds to its credit on the books and accounts of this State, after the
payment of all bills and amounts due for the publication of the history,
shall revert to the general funds of the State government; and all files,
records, personal property or other things and materials shall be turned
over to the Board of Public Works of this State for allocation, distri-
bution or disposition.
SEC. 2. And be it farther enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1966.