Among the large number of visitors to the Hall of Records this
year there were many who came for the first time and some others who
had been here often before. We noted the following:
Susanna E. Albrecht, Indexer, Historic Annapolis; Dennis A.
Alessi, Indexer, Historic Annapolis; Thomas M. Anderson, Jr., Dele-
gate Montgomery County, Rockville, Maryland; Mrs. Evelyn A. Benson,
Local Historian, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; F. Harry Bewly, Church
Historian, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Nancee Black, Commission of Fine
Arts, Washington, D. C; Jarritus Boyd, Indexer, Historic Annapolis;
Mrs. Irvin C. Brown, Historian of Prince George's County, College
Park; The Rev. Edward B. Carley, R. C. Historian of the Diocese of
Wilmington, Wilmington, Delaware; Lois Green Carr, Graduate
Student, Harvard University; the late Guy Castle, Local Historian,
Oxon Hill, Maryland; Dr. William Calderhead, Department of History,
United States Naval Academy.
Kenneth L. Carroll, Quaker Historian, Dallas, Texas; Howard N.
Christian, Graduate Student, Syracuse University, New York; Louis
Dorsey Clark, Lutherville; Malcolm C. Clark, Graduate Student,
Georgetown University; Mrs. Robin D. Coblentz, Graduate Student,
Columbia University; William E. Deibert, Indexer, Historic Annapolis;
Leon deValinger, Jr., Archivist of Delaware; J. Fred Dorman, Geneal-
ogist, Washington, D. C.; Professor Rhoda Dorsey, Goucher College;
Edith G. Duker, Local Historian, Baltimore; C. Hayes Duvall, Delegate
Anne Arundel County, Annapolis; Jeffery Ede, Public Record Office in
London; C. Ashley Ellefson, Associate Professor of History, University
of New York, Courtland, New York; Admiral E. M. Eller, Director
of Naval History, Washington, D. C.
Roger Ellis, Historic MSS Commission, London; William J. Evitts,
Graduate Student, The Johns Hopkins University; Charles E. Fenwick,
President, St. Mary's County Historical Society, Leonardtown, Mary-
land; Mrs. P. William Filby, Historian of Savage, Maryland; Dr. Henry
Chandlee Forman, Architectural Historian, Easton, Maryland; Naomi
E. S. Griffiths, Asst. Professor of History, Carleton University, Ottawa,
Canada; Dr. Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States; Virginia
Guidera, Graduate Student, University of Maryland; Joseph F. Halpin,
Records Administrator of the State of New Mexico; Frank Hannah,
Jr., Methodist Historian, Broomall, Pennsylvania; Mr. O. Hansson