is planning the reprinting program of Maryland Historical materials.
The Archivist has prepared introductions for two of these reprints,
Matthew Page Andrews' History of Maryland Province and State, and
J. Thomas Scharf's History of Maryland.
The American Bar Association sponsored a "World Peace Through
Law" exhibit at the Hilton Hotel in Washington, September 12-13,
1965. On this occasion Mr. Jeffery Ede, Deputy Keeper of the Rolls
of the Public Record Office in London, brought over for exhibit one
of the true copies of the Magna Charta. Mr. Robert Marcjuant of the
Archives Nationales brought from France the original French Consti-
tution known as the "Rights of Man!" The Archivist attended this
exhibit and Dr. Wayne C. Grover, who was Archivist of the United
States at the time, and Mr. Morris Rieger of the staff of the National
Archives, visited the Hall of Records accompanied by Messrs. Ede and
Marquant. The Archivist attended a dinner at the Cosmos Club given
by Dr. Grover for some of the distinguished visitors to the exhibit.
On January 14, Ratification Day, the Hall of Records prepared
an exhibit of documents relating to the ratification of the definitive
treaty of peace with Great Britain January 14, 1784, in Annapolis. The
National Archives was kind enough to lend us the American copy of
the Treaty, beautifully mounted and ready for exhibit. Professor Richard
B. Morris, Gouverneur Morris Professor of History at Columbia Uni-
versity and author of the definitive history of the negotiations culmi-
nating in the Treaty The Peace Makers, was present and delivered the
principal address.
Following the Extraordinary Congress of the International Council
on Archives held in Washington May 9-14, we were honored by visits
from some of the delegates. Among others, Roger Ellis of the Historic
Manuscripts Commission of London, Norman Hardenberg, General
State Archivist of the Netherlands, Mr. Loh Keng Aim of the National
Archives of Malaysia and Miss Elaine Shields of the Archives of
Australia. Other archivists who visited us were Mr. George Hatcher
of the Local Records Office of Kentucky, O. Hansson of the Archives
of Finland, Calhoun A. Mays of the South Carolina Hall of Records
Commission, Walter Jordan, Archivist of Tennessee, and Joseph Hal-
pin, Archivist of New Mexico.