Helsinki, Finland, Architect for planned addition to National Archives
of Finland; V. Lanny Harchenhorn, ladexer, .Historic Annapolis.
Norman Hardenberg, General State Archivist of the Netherlands;
Stefan M. Harrow, Indexer, Historic Annapolis; Mr. George Hatcher,
State Local Records Office of Kentucky; Penelope Hartshorn, Re-
searcher Independence Hall National Historical Site, Philadelphia;
Miss Margaret R. Hawkins, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Genetic transmission of physical peculiarities; Mrs. Truman
E. Hienton, Historian of Prince George's County, Hyattsville, Maryland;
Winifred Levering Holman, Genealogist, Exeter, N. H.; Thomas F.
Hubbard, Architect Board, Baltimore; Bryden B. Hyde, Architect and
Antiquarian, Baltimore; Commander Felix J. Jablowski, U. S. Naval
Academy; John E. Jacob, Jr., Wicomico County Historical Society,
Salisbury, Maryland; David Jordan, Graduate Student, Princeton Uni-
versity; Walter Jordan, Archivist of Tennessee.
Mrs. Harry R. Keller, Jr., Legislative Chairman of the League of
Women Voters of Maryland; J. Reaney Kelly, Quaker Historian,
Annapolis; Dr. Aubrey C. Land, Professor of History, University of
Maryland; Paul R. Lee, Undergraduate, University of Maryland; Loh
Keng Aim, National Archives of Malaysia; James A. McAllister, Jr.,
Dorchester County Historian, Cambridge, Maryland; John McKenney,
Local Historian, Centreville, Maryland; Richard K. McMaster, George-
town University; Dr. Jackson T. Main, Visiting Professor of History,
University of Maryland; Robert Marquant, Archives Nationales in Paris;
William B. Marye, Genealogist, Baltimore; Calhoun A. Mays, Chair-
man, Hall of Records Committee of South Carolina; Bernard J. Medairy,
Jr., Delegate from Baltimore County, Towson, Maryland.
John E. Merriken, Simpsonville, Historian of WB&A Railroad;
E. Eugene Miller, Legal Historian, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Marshall
H. Nelker, Anne Arundel County Historical Society, Pasadena, Mary-
land; Harry Wright Newman, Genealogist, Washington, D. C.;
Katharine H. Palmer, Genealogist, Cambridge, Maryland; Theodore
Z. Perm, Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation, Wilmington, Delaware;
Charles E. Peterson, Architectural Historian, Philadelphia; The Rev.
William R. Phipps, Church Historian, Bushwood, Maryland; Mr.
Edward Plumstead, "Brick Meeting House Restoration Committee" of
Calvert in Cecil County; Professor Benjamin Quarles, Morgan State
College; Richard H. Randall, Chairman, Maritime Committee, Mary-