ministration Accounts are being filmed for the years after 1850; the
earlier records having been done some years ago by the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The records of Allegany, Calvert,
Charles, Garrett, Prince George's and St. Mary's which were filmed
last year are listed below.
We mentioned last year that we planned to obtain either the
originals or copies of all existing county marriage records, dating be-
fore 1914, when the State Department of Health began keeping such
records on a systematic basis. The marriage records of five counties
were microfilmed last year. In each case, we went beyond the terminal
date as follows: Calvert, 1944; Charles, 1924; Prince George's, 1923;
St. Mary's, I960; and Somerset, 1963.
We have previously reported our activities in microfilming and
cataloguing the records of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends,
Stony Run (Hicksite). Last year, we filmed and catalogued the records
of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, Homewood (Orthodox),
consisting of 228 volumes and about three cubic feet of loose papers.
These records are not included among the accessions listed below, be-
cause we intend within a year or so to publish a complete catalogue of
our holdings of Quaker Records, which now amount to over 600 vol-
umes, practically all on microfilm.
Near the end of the fiscal year, one of our Photographers, Ronald
C. Saddler, explained our church records program to the ministers of
several churches in the vicinity of Hagerstown, where he was filming
the records of the Register of Wills. A few of the ministers let us copy
their records immediately and others agreed to discuss the proposal
with the governing bodies of their churches.
The records of St. Andrews Church, Clear Spring, and St. Clem-
ents Chapel, Indian Springs, both Protestant Episcopal, represent the
first fruits of this approach. Several other collections have been received
since the year ended.
Two volumes were added to the records deposited by the Evan-
gelical Reformed Church of Frederick. Most of the entries in these
volumes were recorded in German and those relating to baptisms and
marriages have been translated and entered in the two combination
index and record volumes previously received. The entries relating to
burials and membership have not been transcribed.