Each year we receive some historical manuscripts from private
sources. Last year Mr. Theodore C. Brady presented us a letter, signed
by Leonard Calvert, the first Governor of Maryland, and dated 1643,
only nine years after the settlement of the colony. Calvert, preparing
to return to England for a visit, wrote to inform the Secretary of the
Province, John Lewger, that he was appointing Giles Brent a Justice
of the Provincial-Court.
The Board of Trustees of the Chase Home deposited two Bibles
in our custody. One had belonged to Samuel Chase, the Signer, who
gave it to his daughter Ann. Chase's marriage to Nancy Baldwin and
the births of their children as well as other family data are recorded
in this volume. Annotations on the flyleaf and elsewhere in Chase's
hand reveal a strong interest in religion, probably acquired from his
father, who was a clergyman in the Protestant Episcopal Church. En-
tries in the Loockerman Bible, which also includes records of the Har-
wood family, indicate that these two families were closely related to
the Chase family.
The Duvall Papers that were given to us by Miss Elizabeth J.
Prudden and Mrs. J. Oliver Purvis, Jr., range in date from 1688 to
1920, although over half of them are dated in the 1830's. They relate
mainly to Gabriel Duvall (1752-1844), who served in one public post
or another for about 60 years. Photostatic copies of his commissions as
Comptroller of the Treasury of the United States (1802-1811) and as
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1811-
1835) are included in the collection.
Mr. Guy Castle permitted us to copy the results of his research in
the history of Fort Foote built on the Potomac during the Civil War to
protect Washington. Mrs. John O. McNelly gave us the notes and ma-
terials she had collected relating to the history of Fort Horn established
early in the Revolution to protect Annapolis.
Money, always a subject of interest, came to us in the form of 149
bills of credit, as the paper currency of the Colonial and Revolutionary
periods was called. The bills were engraved by Thomas Sparrow, the
first Maryland engraver, and printed by Anne Catharine Green and her
son Frederick, successors to the famous Jonas Green as publishers of
the Maryland Gazette. These items were given to us by Mrs. J. Gill
Jacobsen, along with several other items including six pay certificates
issued to Revolutionary soldiers.