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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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When I reported on the state of this project last year, I advised you that
the Hall of Records had acquired in microfilm copy the full Land Record series
of Calvert County. In fiscal year 1957 we completed one other county, Caro-
line. In addition, we made excellent progress in four of the five large concen-
trations of such records in Maryland, namely, Anne Arundel, Baltimore and
Prince George's Counties and Baltimore City. Progress was made also in Queen
Anne's and Howard Counties. We made no effort to begin the project in other
counties because the amount of film to be checked and accessioned is already
more than we can take care of with our present staff. We did none of the mi-
crofilming ourselves except for Anne Arundel County, where the courthouse
is only a few blocks from our building. The work in Caroline County was
done by a special operator employed by the Clerk of the Court for this pur-
pose. In the other counties and in Baltimore City filming was done by regular
members of the clerk's staff.

The total amount of film which was received and placed on our shelves
is found in "Accessions" under the county name. The table below gives the
period covered by our holdings as of June 30, 1957. With the exception of
Calvert County where the early records were burned, the beginning date is the
terminal date for the film made for us some years ago by the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints. It may be assumed, therefore, that in each case
our records begin with the beginning of the county or with the first surviving

Anne Arundel County .................................. 1851-1924

Baltimore County .......................................... 1851-1922

Baltimore City Block Books .......................... 1851-1935, 1936-

1942 (incomplete)

Calvert County ................ 1840 (partial recording to 1882)-1952

Caroline County ............................................ 1851-1950

Howard County ............................................ 1850-1889

Prince George's County ................................ 1851-1940

Queen Anne's County .................................. 1852-1892


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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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