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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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The number of searchers and the quantity of material circulated increased
during the year, as did the use of microfilm and the number of letters of in-
quiry. The tables below, covering three fiscal years, show the exact amount
of the increase which has been especially striking in the case of items circulat-
ed at the Hall of Records.

Number of Searchers

1954-1955 ........................................ 1,354

1955-1956 ........................................ 1,360

1956-1957 ........................................ 1,502

Items Circulated

1954-1955 ........................................ 8,006

1955-1956 ........................................ 7,726

1956-1957 ........................................ 9,714

Microfilm is always included in the total of records circulated. However,
since its use demands much more time on the part of our Search Room staff,
a break-down is instructive.

Reels Circulated

1954-1955 ........................................ 1,211

1955-1956 ........................................ 852

1956-1957 ........................................ 926

Queries came by mail from every state except Maine, North Dakota,
Rhode Island and Vermont. There were also letters from abroad.

Letters Answered

1954-1955 ........................................ 1,318

1955-1956 ........................................ 1,287

1956-1957 ........................................ 1,482

As in past years, a list has been kept of records used twenty or more times.
The increased use of church records is clear, 313 as aginst 139. Baltimore
County Accounts, little used in 1955-1956, Somerset County Judgments,
Caroline County Land Records, and Frederick County Judgments all have
been in more frequent demand recently. A few records, such as the Baltimore
City Tax Books, were not previously available but have been asked for fre-
quently in the past fiscal year.

The use of our records by the public is, of course, only a part of their
total use: it would be impractical to list the records consulted by our staff in
answering queries and in our daily work.


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Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1957
Volume 459, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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